Battered and Bruised world quest bugged

This is the buggiest most alpha expansion I’ve ever seen Blizz release… If you’re not ready to release a game in it’s entirety don’t release the game… The players would much rather have a finished product than a slap-shod mess.

Still bugged 2/14/21. Couldn’t even get the neglected souls to despawn by running WAY out of the area. Had to completely exit the game & get the souls again. This thread has been active for months… In that time the bnet launcher has been overhauled while this & many other quests remain broken. What’s the point of a nifty launcher if it takes you to busted content?

I have completed this quest many times before, but today I have run into the bugs as described. All addons are disabled and I am simply unable to turn in the collected “Neglected Souls” that have been collected. After a long time they disappeared and I was able to gather more and then those were not able to be turned in either.

Well according to its own forum “Blizzard Tracker” the last time there was even a blue post about any bug was the 24th November 2020. I have gotten other Customer Service messages from Blizzard since then (automated, but still) but the feedback on bugs and bug reports has always been spotty at best.

trash game

This is still bugged. One of the ways to break this quest is to use an immunity like Ice Block which removes the “Shackled Soul” debuff and makes the Souls uncollectable by Collector Marissa. If this happens you can re-log and collect 8 Souls again to complete.

Still broken.

Still broken.

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still bugged

Encountered today on a Night Fae Mage. Soulshape seemed to affect mine.

Still happening and happened on a DH so no forms or soulshapes used. Damn annoying.

Still bugged.

Used grappling hook as rogue and fully cooked the quest, can’t give the neglected souls to quest giver.

What a joke lmfao

still happening on my druid travel form oof!

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Still not working 6/1/2021. You’d think they would fix their game…lmao Blizzard fix stuff.

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This thread was made in November. It’s now June and it still hasn’t been fixed. Why are we actually paying for this game if they can’t even fix current content?