Bastion and family (spoilers)

apparently you have to forget your family in bastion,one of the kyrians is a former tauren who left his life and became a blue human


I have to remind myself I’m not on the Overwatch forum every time I read something about Bastion.


I interpreted that more as unhinging yourself from the grieving attachments you have in life so that you can live peacefully in death. Like you still acknowledge they exist, but you’re unburdened by the weight of their absence.


This has me extremely concerned considering we’re forced to go along with it.

Don’t get me wrong, dystopian bastion is a cool idea. But don’t force me to be a part of it please Blizzard.


There’s nothing wrong with forgetting your past in service of a new order. Just ask Kormac from Diablo.


didnt kormac end up wiping out his order?


Imagine actually choosing Bastion as your Covenant.


Heh yeah. I was being deeply sarcastic. They were corrupt and conscripting people against their will into the order by wiping their memories and claiming they were sinners redeemed.


oh sorry, i didnt get the sarcasm


I get it. It does kind of rely on you knowing what happens in Diablo 3 which is easy to forget. I had to look up some of it to refresh myself.

Considering the ultimate goal, one can understand severing the bonds you had in the past. Not only could those ties hold you back, should you become a spirit healer it would allow for some potential conflicts with your tasks. So, not completely out there.

Also, there are a lot of spiritual disciplines, both in RL and in fantasies, that encourage severing all past bond in order to transcend or achieve enlightenment, etc.

In the end, not surprised but the covenant dedicated to discipline and such talking about severing emotional bonds.


We don’t know the context on why they need this. It sounds like they do this so they forget their old life and start their new one as a Kyrian dedicated to the cause.

Im sure a lot of the other Covenants will do something similar

Well… as long as it’s by choice that they forget.

I hope everyone sent to Bastion isn’t doomed to that fate.


Considering we meet Uther there, unless he too has become a Kyrian and forgets all about his past life, this doesn’t seem to be the fate of every soul that ends up there.

So our options are a brainwashing cult, an army of conscripts locked in eternal war, sadists, and the night fae. What’s their vice gonna be?

Is Blizzard trying way too hard to be grimdark, or are they trying to paint the Shadowlands in such a terrible light to make Sylvanas and the Jailer’s plan look morally good in comparison?


I completely agree. My understanding of the situation though based on what we have to go off of is that it is their choice. However, it is a choice they are REQUIRED to take if they wish to want to achieve the Shadowlands/afterlife version of “enlightenment” and become a part of the upper rank(s) of Kyrians. So I suppose it isn’t exactly by force, but if they want to climb within Bastion, there is no other way.


Ohhhh. Nice. I’m like these afterlife cultures with drawbacks.

I’m still not a fan of Bastions armor though. True Blood and Nagash’s realm is where it’s at.

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Lol the kyrian arent people like everyone else, they are duty bond to a service, and its very hard to become a kyrian, so not everyone succeeds they obiviously only take those who are willing and complete all the challenges There are many characters in wow who put a ideal or country above themselves and family, people like uther, and nazgrim

also its the afterlife you cant compare iiteral angels to human emotions and needs.

The arbiter only sends people who would probably do great in the role

I think the Shadowlands might have been broken long before all the souls started getting funneled into the Maw.

Calling it now, the Jailer is the true ruler of the Shadowlands and the Arbiter is an usurper who bound him in chains and corrupted the purpose of the afterlife.