No credit given for tanking Basrikon world boss for WQ.
Update: Reload UI and kill him a second time to fix. Based on self and others.
Possibly without a party. Solo tanked it w/o party and others reported progress done outside of party. Though people were possibly in raids.
I killed it once without a group and twice in a raid, and still no credit. Very annoying.
Killed it once in a party, then once in a raid- no credit given.
Going to try without a group and with a reload as suggested by Klios above and will update from there.
Edit: Did a /reload and tried with a raid (my server decided to be dead) and got credit.
Confirm general fix to just reload before initiating?
Was wondering if there was something wrong with my character in general, first I donât get a Keystone (and canât request one) and now the World Boss says No. Canât catch a break today :S
I canât believe this is a problem again: this crap was an issue that plagued them in Legion, BFA, and Shadowlands. Theyâd always fix it up, then itâd get bugged again on the next expansion.
Makes me wonder if Blizzardâs devs are actually learning from their mistakes.
Didnt get credit either today, killed it, got gold, no kill recorded in either raid bosses lockout and no quest reward/completion, none of the above things worked to fix it
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Same. Killed twice now. No credit. So tired of how many bugs there in this xpac. Iâve never seen anything like it in previous xpacâs.
Same ishâŚ
1st & 2nd kill: joined a group through the group finder, killed boss, no credit
3rd kill: left the area came back to get the WQ voice intro, joined group in finder, killed boss, no credit
4th kill: after I herd there was a hotfix, joined group killed boss, no credit
5th kill: restarted wow, joined group in finder, killed boss, no credit
6th kill: restarted wow, joined group in finder, did a /reload, killed boss, no credit
7th kill: waited for boss to respawn, got the WQ voice intro, killed boss while outside of a raid group that was killing the boss. Got credit.
Hopefully this is easier next week
I think being in the phase where I got the World Quest audio intro was probably the key to getting credit. Once I joined a group I was no longer in the phase that was going to give me credit.
how do you pop the WQ voice intro, 4 kill and no credit here
A day later and not even a hot fix. 
Day 2: 1st thing I did. Kill #1 - Raid, no credit. Kill #2 Solo World kill, no credit. Stopped tracking World Quest. Kill #3 Came to read forums. Reloaded UI. Kept reading forums. Boss respawned. Voice intro triggered and WQ tracking repopped. Second solo world kill, no credit.
I got the voice intro, joined a group and still no credit after 8 times. sigh just a bug and hopefully they will get to it soon.
Was able to finally complete it today after flying in and out throughout the day mining/questing/etc⌠Finally, the WQ voice activated and appeared in my quest log.
Created a raid group because I didnât want to take chances joining some other group and it bugging out. In total, from yesterday to today, received credit after three kills.