Obviously the plan for enhance in TWW is to base the entire spec’s viability on the season 1 4pc tier set bonus of a new expansion, which is just pathetic. This is the reason for the elemental blast nerf, it was preemptive b/c all the elemental wolves buff it, and there will be whole packs of them out. Blizz is gambling by season 2 they will have figured out what to do with enhance when they are forced to do so. Or just pick another talent and build the entire spec around some concocted 4pc set bonus…
For two entire seasons of Dragonflight, half of the expansion, enhance was entirely built around a 4 pc set bonus. Wasn’t this shameful and pitiful enough? And then to do it again, at the beginning of a brand new expac that is looking better every day?
In a way I am glad for the lack of changes because I feared enhance would get the frost dk treatment and have a cool dynamic mechanic (spirit wolves etc) turned into “just another CD” like they did with pillar of frost, which of course then required sweeping buffs that didn’t really help the spec, they just “balanced” the nerf, the elimination of an engaging mechanic. Numbers can always be balanced out, but for me CD reduction mechanics make CDs more fun. As someone who has played shaman for a long time off and on, frequently putting the wolves out feels naughty, feels powerful like an allowed exploit and that kind of stuff is fun. Frost DKs pillar of frost was the same and now that fun is gone, it is just another cooldown.
Reworks cannot make every player happy, but no spec should be entirely based around a seasonal 4pc set bonus ever, not for half of an expansion, not for the first season of a new expansion, not ever. Isn’t it bad enough entire spec’s and hero trees are based around single talents (“choices”) like wake of ashes for ret pally?
Is there just one poor soul working on shamans and they don’t play enhance?