Base UI, can't move mid-window loot... things

This isn’t the Edit Mode > Items frame. I have that off to the side, so that’s where things appear when I click a mob or something.

I’m talking about the individual loot notifications that start at the bottom middle of your screen - one notification for each thing you loot. While you can dismiss each individual notification with a right-click, this isn’t a great solution.

In Remix, if you fly through a line of multiple bronze orbs, the center of your screen gets slammed with stacks of:

You received
21 Bronze

You received
20 Bronze


There’s no base Edit Mode setting to get rid of this, and even the addon EditModeExpanded doesn’t seem to have a fix for this.

(I had to install EditModeExpanded just so I could see target of target. I couldn’t see it, even though I had it enabled through the base UI. This made tanking pretty awful.)

I’d rather not deal with a full UI replacement. I just moved away from ElvUI to try and ease the load on my ageing computer.

This may work for you.


I believe EditModeExpanded does handle this, it’s a tiny little square that sits a bit under where the bottom element shows up, it’s Achievements when clicked on. I was able to move them over to the side of the screen with that.


This worked for me. I wish it had a resizing option like it said, or maybe I’m just blind.