Hey man, Yeah Krazykristov was in Brace Yourself, He’s still around although I’m not sure if on wow though.
Hey Fury#1808 is my tag.,
Was Ariochc, resto druid in Affinity. Remember the name Kookie
Aye my man, got the classic vibe?
Flintstone, dwarf male pala
You planning on playing classic? Which server are you thinking of going?
Yes I remember you as well!
Infact the TSIX guild will be returning for classic, it will be on the oceanic pvp server. Though I will mainly be on retail.
Scarloc, NE Druid
Played Oxident - Gnome main tank of Snitch - Going to be rolling horde on the new oceanic server. Won’t be naming my new character oxident but hit me up here if you remember me and want to play
The original Rossian (retardin) still here from back in TBC times mostly. I recognise a few of you already. Will be good to link up with any who were ballsy enough to arena with me back in the old Stormherald + Windfury days. Hit me up!
Hellbound here!!
Sup lad, Hellbound here
hey guys whats going on in dis thread
oxi hit me up
Zeep - Human paladin was in schism
Slasher - alt rogue
Reebz here, I played a Hunter in both Vanilla and Burning Crusade. I was PvE focused with the guild Unreal Realities and Causality! I’ve rolled on Herod for Classic… hit me up!
Hi guys, I was Reebz, I played a Hunter in both Vanilla and Burning Crusade. I was PvE focused with the guild Unreal Realities and Causality.
I’ve rolled on Herod for Classic. Hit me up! Discord: Reebzy#1234
Spankandgank, Human Ret Paladin.
Originally in Obsolete and then Unreal Realities.
I don’t remember much of the people I hung out with. Though if anyone remembers me my character name was Cheetohead and I was a Dwarf Warrior. Did some raiding but mostly ran people through Dungeons for money. Was also an Engineering/ Enchanting Spec.
Warnox, Human Paladin in vanilla though have played a variety of toons. Warnox#1698
Will be playing Alliance.
did you also play warrior a fair bit in BC?
Toshi - gnome lock // Toshiro - rogue
alliance vanilla ‘denied’ / ‘voodoo’ hit me up! playing ally again in classic. Looking forward to seeing some old faces