Barthilas Alliance Reconnections

Hey man, Yeah Krazykristov was in Brace Yourself, He’s still around although I’m not sure if on wow though.

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Hey Fury#1808 is my tag.,

Was Ariochc, resto druid in Affinity. Remember the name Kookie :wave:

Aye my man, got the classic vibe?

Flintstone, dwarf male pala

You planning on playing classic? Which server are you thinking of going?

Yes I remember you as well!

Infact the TSIX guild will be returning for classic, it will be on the oceanic pvp server. Though I will mainly be on retail.


Scarloc, NE Druid

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Played Oxident - Gnome main tank of Snitch - Going to be rolling horde on the new oceanic server. Won’t be naming my new character oxident but hit me up here if you remember me and want to play

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The original Rossian (retardin) still here from back in TBC times mostly. I recognise a few of you already. Will be good to link up with any who were ballsy enough to arena with me back in the old Stormherald + Windfury days. Hit me up!

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Hellbound here!!

Sup lad, Hellbound here

hey guys whats going on in dis thread

oxi hit me up

Zeep - Human paladin was in schism
Slasher - alt rogue

Reebz here, I played a Hunter in both Vanilla and Burning Crusade. I was PvE focused with the guild Unreal Realities and Causality! I’ve rolled on Herod for Classic… hit me up!

Hi guys, I was Reebz, I played a Hunter in both Vanilla and Burning Crusade. I was PvE focused with the guild Unreal Realities and Causality.

I’ve rolled on Herod for Classic. Hit me up! Discord: Reebzy#1234

Spankandgank, Human Ret Paladin.
Originally in Obsolete and then Unreal Realities.

I don’t remember much of the people I hung out with. Though if anyone remembers me my character name was Cheetohead and I was a Dwarf Warrior. Did some raiding but mostly ran people through Dungeons for money. Was also an Engineering/ Enchanting Spec.

Warnox, Human Paladin in vanilla though have played a variety of toons. Warnox#1698
Will be playing Alliance.

did you also play warrior a fair bit in BC?

Toshi - gnome lock // Toshiro - rogue
alliance vanilla ‘denied’ / ‘voodoo’ hit me up! playing ally again in classic. Looking forward to seeing some old faces