Barth (H) 409 Rogue (out) LF Mythic raiding guild

Lookin for a mythic prog guild, currently 7/8 heroic with good damage. And with raid timings pref after 8pm server time or 5pm SGT
Feel free to check logs (character is Eaglescout)

Hey mate, our guild is currently looking at filling out our team to move from H to M and are looking for a rogue.

We are currently 7/8H and are just needing to hit 20 to get into mythic :slight_smile:
Send me a message in game at Acmo#11694 or discord Acmo#9524

Hi Eagle,

Our guild have the same prog and are looking for another dps or two to fill us out for mythic prog.
Wed/Thurs 8pm-10:30pm raid time.
Feel free to add me for more info.

:dragon: Many Whelps! Handle It! :dragon:

Handle It [Horde][Barthilas] are looking for a few more players to fill out our raid roster with the intent to push Mythic Progression in all of Dragonflight~! :dragon_face:

Established in 2009 Cataclysm Expansion, has maintained a strong presence in End-Game Raiding content since its inception, Achieving A.O.T.C. quickly and then progressing on with Mythic Raiding (numbers permitting) every single tier.

Desired Classes: Range Classes ( Hunter, Mage, Balance Druid ect)

Other DPS classes will be accepted for exceptional players.

Raid Times :clock7:

8:15pm - 11:30pm AEST

Sunday (Casual Alt Raid Night)

Sunday Nights we run a Casual Raid Night for everybody and anybody who would like to come! (Casuals Welcome). We also run Mythic+ Keystone Nights on Friday and Saturdays. As well as regular events such as Tmog Contests, Mount & Achievement Runs every Tier, Races, Farming Competitions and More!!! :clown_face:

Contact our GM for more information!
Furby#12342 :bear:

Or one of the officers!

You wont be disappointed ! (or have to worry about 50 DKP- ) :dragon:

Hey there. If you were still after a raid team at all.

I’m a leader in the Ragnar raid team of on Khaz’Goroth Horde. We are 8/8H 2/8M and close to a terros kill. We are currently keen to get a rogue in the team. It’s a huge community and I’d be happy to chat to you about it more (and with cross realm mythic coming happy to start things off that way). Raiding 8pm-10:30pm server time on Wed and Sun.

Omni#11993 bnet.

Heya! if you are still looking for a guild you can check out this link below or add me on discord for a chat Michi#0004 we are 8/8H 2/8M and we will be 3/8M tonight :smiley:
[A] <House Onyx> Frostmourne - VOI 8/8H 2/8M Recruiting | Wed/Fri 7:00-10:00PM Server - #17 by Ønyxsis-frostmourne