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Been here for 8 months now, great people to do raid and m+ with. 10/10 would take candy from a stranger again.

Recruiting a good windwalker monk and a ranged dps!

best chef oce

Best Guild OCE :stuck_out_tongue:

this guild poggers

Open Raid Trials after reset!

Mythic Prog continues! Spots available as listed!

Bumping! Accepting new applicants! : D

Bumping! Accepting new applicants! : D

Come join us for the Kurog Kill! : D

Still seeking a healer! : D

Seeking a Wind Walker Monk!

Looking for Brewmaster Monk!

Stay a while and listen!

“Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that who cares? He’s a mile away and you’ve got his shoes!” - Bill Connolly

(Randy Marsh) “Hello. In the outside world, I am a simple geologist – but in here, I am Valkorn, Defender of the Alliance. I have braved the Fargo Deep Mine, and defeated the Blood Fish at Jarod’s Landing.”

“The Primailists will rise again!” - Razagath.

Continuing to recruit the advertised positions!

Jif - “Man, playing warrior really makes my fingers hurt”
Hex - “Yeah, it must be really hard pressing that RELEASE BUTTON!”

Bump! ˶‘ ᵕ ‘˶