Barth 405ilvl 6/9H 1/9M rogue lf raiding guild
raiding times between 6-12 SVT
Hey Meathed,
Click Bait is currently recruiting Solid DPS.
Send me an ingame message if you are interested.
<Immersive> - is a casual raiding guild currently looking for more friendly faces keen to push heroic BoD. Looking for flexible players who know mechanics and keen to hang whilst getting loot. Primarily looking for all roles. Raid nights Weds/Thurs 9pm-12pm AEDT
Contact Huges#11489 btag or Discord Hugys#6375
If you’d consider a server transfer, SuperStars (8/8M CE) (1/9M 9/9H) on Frostmourne alliance have a vacancy open for a rogue.
We raid Sun/Mon 8 - 11pm Aest.
If interested, contact me on Chassaria#1553