Bartender4 Questions - Bar When Mounted and Spell Glow When Off CD

I want to do 2 things with Bartender4;

1 - Have spells glow when they are off CD. Not all of them, but certain ones like Interrupt.

2 - Have my Bar 1 show when mounted. The “Hide on Vehicle” button does not work for this. I want to see my dragonflight spells when I’m on my dragon, but that’s the only time I want to see that bar.

Thank you in advance!

Wouldn’t 1 and 2 conflict with each other? Sounds like you want to have your bars hidden unless you’re Dragon Riding? That aside…

  1. You’ll probably need to use WeakAuras. OmniCC can make all your spells pulse etc. when they come off CD but I don’t think you can filter the list.


I can help you with 2 for sure and maybe 1. for bartender my friend.
If you want a bar to show or hide when mounted in the custom conditions for visibility for the bar you want to use for show or hide do


And if you don’t want it to show it’s


Here is an example macro that you can use to create a glowing effect for the spell “Interrupt”

/run local s=GetSpellInfo(6552)local c=s and (select(2,GetSpellCooldown(s)) or 0)<=0 and 0 or 1 ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow(ActionButton1,c)

You can then assign this macro to the action button of the “Interrupt” spell using the Macro Text feature in Bartender4.

To do that:

  1. Open the Bartender4 configuration interface by typing /bt or /bartender in the chat.
  2. Go to the “Buttons” tab.
  3. Select the button corresponding to the “Interrupt” spell.
  4. Click the “Macro Text” button.
  5. Paste the macro in the text box.
  6. Click “OK”.

This macro will check the cooldown of the “Interrupt” spell and, if it is off cooldown, it will show the overlay glow on the action button.

You can repeat this process for other spells you want to have this effect, just change the spell name and button number in the macro.

Please note that this is an example macro and it will only work if you have the spell “Interrupt” on the first action button, if you have it on another button you will need to update the number of the action button on the macro.

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