Bartender4 Custom Conditional Dragonriding plus shapeshift

I’m trying to make it so that when I am mounted it overrides my main bar (which is overridden when i’m in shadow form) with the mount bar for dragonriding. Essentially I want to combine these so that even if I’m in shadowform the dragonriding bar takes precedence when i fly. (Sadly this used to work out of the box but something broke when they changed dragonriding to all mounts.)

Currently I have

to get my dragonriding bar

to make my shadowform change my bar to bar 7

I’d remove the custom conditionals and make sure possess bar is checked in the options. Works for me in Shadowform + Sky Riding.

Looks like I might just need a fresh load of it.

Apparently this account can’t link pictures to prove it, but its the same config that you have…but
When i mount, i DO see the skyriding bar.

Then if i apply the shadowform custom condition, it breaks skyriding.

— Update ----
Nope, Fresh install, deleted wow cache folders, AND turned off ALL addons except bartender4 and its still broken.

This is definitely weird. Druid is working properly when shapeshifting, it switches to human bar, cat bar, bear bar, and flying bar. But Priest doesn’t seem to recognize shadow form with the same settings.

– another edit–
Apparently moonkin form also does not work. I wonder if its the same bar?

Quasi fix – Thanks ChatGPT – This force sets the bars in the stances i want to be in.
[bonusbar:1]2; [mounted]3; [form:1]4; [bar:1]

By default Shadowform doesn’t use a different bar so thats probably where things get weird for you.