Barrens chat (A place to chat :D)

i would choose bed over staying up thatl ong just go go into workd lol

I woke up at like 4pm lol my schedule is fubar yo

:rofl: You guys can shleep i’ll just keep playing Minecraft

ah. i know the feeling i wake up 2-4 times a night on a good night and sometimes end up being awake 42 hours straight x.x so my sleep schedual is non existant i know i said my “bedtime” was comming up but to me that is any time i start to feel the slightest urge to sleep, otherwise ill miss my window to get any sleep.

ranes already ZZzzing i bet lol

I work from 9-noon then come home shower sleep then go back to work from 8-midnight

what the hell kind of work hours are those O.o so random

Breakfast/lunch/ dinner cook :stuck_out_tongue:

@_@ what ever works for you i suppose right? lol
with that said tho im gonna get into bed. ill pop in tommorow on this guy or zant sometime im sure.

:tired_face: buffet night is the worse lol and it’s Friday so lots of teens from Detroit coming over for booze

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So on a goof i started doing the Saima work out, 100 pushups sit ups squats and 10km run. doing that + working in a kitchen i don’t recommend especially after a 7 hour shift in the dishpit lmao

Watch out for Chuck Norris!

Have you guys tried Wii sports? It’s like… mind blowing

I come her expecting Barrens chat and I’ve only seen 3 anal[insert ability here] jokes and 1 Chuck Norris joke… I’m very disappointed…

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ally! get him!

Bit me Belf, you don’t even exist yet!


I’m not biting into that thunder…

It’ll send me into a fury…

3 Men and a Murloc was my fav movie in the 80’s.

Currently have way tooooo much work I took on and using every single thing I can to procrastinate.

See, this is a good reason why NOT having beta access is a good thing. Work would NEVER get done…we won’t even talk about the laundry and dinner.

I fell asleep >.<


That’s alright most of us went to bed :rofl:

Yeah, Work ended up showing up a lot sooner… Than way too soon. Tones dropped 20 mins later…