thats a bluff if ever ive seen one im callin you out!
if you’re a good cook you can just flip them with the pan.
i have no life. i will have it.
i might be afraid of someone who can flip a 2 pound pancake properly lol…
pray to the light.
Pretty sure that’s my line.
more like pull 30 hour shifts of nothing but grinding bugs
That has to go stale at some point, imposible lol eating a half stale pancake after 2 days.
well you were to late lmao
Yea pretty indifferent.
not if properly kept in a fridge surprisingly since it was so dense and thiiiccccccc it kept for days
normally i would apologize for my sense of humor, but right now i’m in to much pain from laughing to care.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
I’m late all the time. lol
How big is your fridge that you can fit a pankcake that big in it without taking up like 90% of a shelf. it ceases to be a pan cake and simply becomes a cake , yet technically a pan cake as it was cooked in pan and…that is the best kind of correct.
Yes. Agreed. but a 2lb pancake flip? I wanna see it.
Using a Forklift, maybe.
I guess if i start streaming again i have to start streaming cooking.
Lol. Well im just in thr early stages of getting the standard set. China is holding out. Canada is on board. Lol
I’d watch food streamers!
Already a thing yo lol pretty sure healthy junkfood streams