Just had a FULL RAY OF FROST reflected at me, assumed it would only do the first tick, but no it did the entire cast. Okay, my bad. But at the same time. Why is the same treatment not afforded to hunters?
Because they counters mages and you just need to S$#U and git gud
Engage it not, friends. Let I and I alone stand between you and the troll thread in the name of Light’s Hope.
because you cannot nether ward/spell reflect arrows?
Ah yes, I reflect the .30-06 hurtling towards my head faster than I can blink.
Because Hunters deal physical damage.
The fact that you not only casted ray of frost into a spell reflect (you can get unlucky on timing sure), but also finished the long channel while murdering yourself tells me all I need to know as to why you complain so much while being on a borderline busted class.
Why is there not a limit to the amount of threads an account can make per week or something
beautifully said
These mages want to be the dominant class in the game, they don’t want to have a counter, we can’t touch them (because they’re already crying), they have a thousand escapes, 2 ice blocks, immense damage and CC at will.
Your class actually deserves a nerf, not one, but several.
Another one of these threads.
Mage counters Warrior, warrior counters hunter, hunter counters mage.
Paper, rock, scissors
Stop complaining
Mage is the mushroom in this situation
That’s not what that MEANS.
Mushrooms are awesome
I love warriors…num num num. I hate hunters…grrr
Only way to beat a hunter is to either LoS him or pray he didnt spec for rapid fire mods and run through his body for LOS interrupt while dealing damage.
Also -
Mass Invis
Dragon Breath
Blast wave
are all consider interrupts for abilities like aimed shot and rapid fire.
100% this
Eviscerate being the sin icon when they don’t even use eviscerate invalidates the whole thing
I’ve been gone for a while, but is Outlaw really S tier right now? Thats the only rogue spec I ever actually enjoyed playing
It is decidedly good rn.