Hello. Can Marksmen hunters please have Barrage again? Why was this removed? It makes absolutely no sense.
Thank you.
Hello. Can Marksmen hunters please have Barrage again? Why was this removed? It makes absolutely no sense.
Thank you.
Another ability that bites the dust. Tbh I used it as a second rapid fire lol, but the wave of arrows coming at you was pretty cool pvp wise. Ugh why does WOW keep breaking class immersion?
Yes, it was cool, it looked cool, it was useful, it was totally fine…what is happening!!! Dude!
I agree. Barrage is extremely useful. I too want it back.
Yup, need Barrage back. Just ridiculous abilities get removed every once in a while.
so unsatisfying having to arcane shot mobs 1 by 1 getting maybe 3-4 mobs max misdirected onto pet.
imo it was only removed due to the fact they were getting rid of pets. but since they changed their mind with pets they just forgot about how useful barrage was with a pet. i think they should bring it back.
Wouldnt call it useful, only made sense in old content for one shotting everything, it was worthless in any level 80 content
right. And for old raids i want it back.
then just swap to bm, press barrage
I used barrage on my Marksman all the time in dungeons, raids, and questing. Anywhere there is a group of mobs. Barrage, Volley, Multi-Shot. Just now questing, it takes me much longer to kill the mobs without it. Bring back Barrage!
A week in, yeah, I’m really missing Barrage in solo. Questing, raid solo runs are tedious without it. Volley feels pretty crappy in comparison. The cooldown is too long, the reticle is too small and finicky to drop, and its damage is somehow worse than Barrage ever was. Only propped by activating Trick Shots. There was no reason Barrage couldn’t give you Trick Shots.
It’s a shame Barrage was removed because it was undertuned, and undertuned because noobs could never be trusted to not overpull in dungeons with it. Even after Rapid Fire Barrage made it useful and idiot-proof, they still ripped it out. Bad job, Blizzard.