It is true what they have said about me. I’ve finally accepted Gamepass as my second god.
…Though i’m still not gonna get an Xbox.
But, an Xbox is not what you need when you go and play these games i recommend playing. If this is the first time playing Gamepass, then congrats, you get to play 300+ games with just a dollar for the first month.
If you are already a gamepass user, well stick around, maybe there’s something you might be interested in.
1. Remnant: From The Ashes
I never been wholly interested in Soulslike games solely because of their difficulty… or more accurately the fanbase overblowing it and using it to deride people who wished for an easy mode that put me off such a thing…
… while this game in particular doesn’t have that (it does have difficulty options, but you start at normal and work your way upwards in difficulty), it is the best start to that particular genre for easing people, while still feeling pretty rewarding to play, and i don’t mean in a sense as in “oh it showers you with loot”, (but don’t worry, i’l get to that… ) but as in how fun it is to learn the moves and attacks of your enemies and bosses on how to defeat them… as well dying to them trying to learn that.
And it also has guns. Making it … actually kind of similar to Resident Evil 4 given how slow things are and how you need to aim in order to fire at things. (i say that despite never having played that game myself) It could also be down to the atmosphere of the game, which is pretty great in capturing in… well… the hopelessness and dread, in a way that gives to a sense of horror in a sort of fight or flight sort of way… well on harder difficulties, but it does apply on normal too.
Also, quick options tip, turn on Vsync the moment the game boots, or else your GPU will hate you forever from overheating.
2. Hitman 3 (The Modern Remakes)
My first experience with a Hitman game was with Absolution, and while i did enjoyed the game for what it was, there was a lot of things i could definitionally do without. Instinct being required (Wallhacking), a silly story, pretty linear levels that only seem to benefit shootouts more then just stealth assassinate people with very little in the way to break up the monotony, leaderboards and the scoring system , inventory that doesn’t allow a whole lot of imagination, and the disguise system… my god the disguise system. Why?
But the core ideas were pretty good enough to a point where i’ve kept pressing on in absolution and beaten it. Because i love Stealth games. Heck, pretty much a 1/3 of my PC catalog is that… admittedly most of them are Ubisoft Open World games.
So imagine my shock when i’ve played though the two tutorial levels over 9 hours wanting to perfect things and do things differently. Like damn, it’s a major improvement in darn near everything. With impressive amount of detail and i don’t mean graphically (though it is beautiful to behold), but how people will find gunshot impacts and will investigate, or how people will find loose weapons and report them to the guards and so on.
And chasing all 3 games from 1 to 3 into one package (considering their literally much all the same game but with different levels… and i actually do mean literally in this case), it’s a great start if you want to see how the world’s greatest assassin became… uhh, the world’s greatest assassin. Or if you love Stealth games.
3. Shadow Warrior 2
Yup, this is the game that made me believe in Gamepass. So why is it here? I think the better question is why Steam sale for this game and all of it’s content $4?
That deal is a steal. Literally, i’m stealing from them. Their handing their keys and telling me go nuts with their house. /j
Anyways, you all played DOOM Eternal right?.. A big beef guy with a bunch of weapons fighting off demons with an air dash and a variety of agile parkour moves and such? What if i tell you it’s a game where you’re pretty much doing the same thing, but as a ninja in an Asian setting, alongside with killer rabbits come to get revenge on all the rabbits you’ve killed? And with jokes.
Of what kind of jokes? Well… use your imagination, though i would guarantee you don’t need to think long and hard about it.
Also, if you’re a fan of lots of loot, then this game will shower you with it like it’s BFA all over again.
4. The Forgotten City
I’ve never really been interested in these sorts of games where … well, completely or mostly story based, or have you solving pieces of a mystery or puzzles or… basically anything that isn’t action of any sort that be sports (skateboarding), racing, shooting, brawler, platforming, etc. But this one in particular did piqued my interest given that this was actually a mod for Skyrim first, and then turned into a full fledged game. So i’ve gave it a try and honestly, i’m quite intrigued by it so far.
Not only it reminds me of those point and click 90’s mystery games where i’ve to figure things out and remember things for later along with some interesting story to boot and interesting locale to explore… (…my mother was big into those sorts of 90’s games like Nancy Drew, one where you explore Egypt, and i think one where you’re on a ship with some sort of puzzle box and somebody got murdered after you give it to them), but it also utilized the time traveling mechanic in an interesting way, as in, if something screws up, you still have a chance to get back to the portal and try it all again. Or even use it to complete a quest like saving a poisoned person when you get into the Forums (the place where the markets is when you first entered in the clinic) I guess it’s a… roguelite mystery story… walking game? I really don’t know how to classify it. So Mea Culpa.
Also doggone, it’s really beautiful to look at. Not the best i’ve seen on the Unreal engine, but it’s really impressive for a mod turned into a game. And the rome stuff is always interesting to see when it’s done right.
Anywho, those are my recommendations. If you have any gamepass recommendations too, then put them up here and game on.
Edit: Sorry for the edit, but looking back at this thread, there’s some mistakes in the spelling that i had to correct.