Jingles go out through the Gnomish radio stations everywhere
“Because we’re bringing acting back! No more stalling, no more slack! Got that inner Bard in you? Join us, friends, both old and new! Starting this month, March 19, we’ll be putting on a scene! Stroll on down to Booty Bay, watch or star in our next play! Have a drink or maybe three, come see ‘Secret Magic Tree’!”
The little chanting ends and the voice is heard going into fast paced commercial-voice mode
“Looking for 2 male actors, human preferred, and 1 female actor, elf preferred. Faction limitations and conditions may apply. Contact Lana Dalton, Queen of Bards for details.”
The radio-show host comes back on the line
“I’m excited! It’s been what? Nearly two years since the last time they put on a show? If you ask me, it’s about time! I tell ya, these past couple wars against the Legion and now the Azerite War are just merciless on the entertainment business. So! To further the hype, our next song is a personal favorite, lyrics written by the self-proclaimed Queen of Bards herself, here’s ‘Bards of the Lion’!”
A very recognizable song starts to play…
((I’m apparently not allowed to post links in forums yet, so you can go to https:// soundcloud .com/cerulana/bards-of-the-lion, minus the extra spaces, to hear the song! And yes, we ARE looking for character actors, so send Cerulana-CenarionCircle or Dalton-SistersofElune a whisper or in-game letter if you’re interested ))