Lol this is hilarious, I didn’t know about all these!
Don’t forget the Bard/Guitar Hero April Fools that one year!
Lol this is hilarious, I didn’t know about all these!
Don’t forget the Bard/Guitar Hero April Fools that one year!
I mean, thematically, WarCraft has a ton of precedent to nail the theme for a rocking Bard class. It just doesn’t have the framework to fit in appropriate Bard gameplay. It would just be putting KISS makeup on another class.
I remember seeing “healing grenades” in games like The Division and Destiny.
I still believe they could make it work, but it would take a lot of effort. At that point, just give me my playable murlocs I’ve wanted since I was a lad.
It would require a degree of ambition that I do not believe the current team possesses.
They would need to add a support role to the trinity. They would need to rework multiple specs to ensure that it had enough representation (Enhancement, Survival, Discipline, Mistweaver, Subtlety, Arcane and Balance would all be prime candidates IMO). Then add Bard in as a Tank/Healer/Support class.
I’d personally love to see Bard added as a Secondary Profession. Think of all the fun the community could have in large jam sessions while waiting for spawns.
Think of all the fun QoL benefits!
I still think a bard class would be awesome.
if it is secondary what would it go with
I don’t understand, go with?
Y9OU SAID THIS - ’d personally love to see Bard added as a Secondary Profession. WHAT WOULD U WANT THE 2NDARY GO WITH
Yes … again … what do you mean by “go with”? I know what I said, I don’t understand your question.
If you mean what would its purpose be? Probably something like granting rested xp while playing, or some kind of new buffs.
so you mean bards would be a secondary or a primary class
No, a secondary profession. Like Cooking, Fishing and Archeology.
I like this idea. But Blizz has kind of abandoned arch recently, and they did away with first aid, so I don’t have high hopes for a bard profession.
Still, maybe you should work out an idea for how you think the prof would work, and make a separate thread about it. Having this idea buried in a thread about a bard class won’t ever get it the right attention.
but bard can be primary
Primary professions are cooking and fishing–profs that everyone can do. I don’t know what exactly a bard profession would do, but I doubt Blizz would make it a primary prof (if they bothered to make it at all).
I think a support class would be awesome for the game
exactly. they can have all kinds of magical instruments. they can play in the back with the mages and the music will cast spells like healing, poison, etc.
Have all the Bard class lovers seen this???
google - game by EA - The Bard’s Tale