There is. Blizz is not required to follow the design of other games/companies and bards are not required to be some sort of support class just because game X did it that way.
Just look at recent content, we are reminded of the sonic attacks of the mantid in 8.3 vale, with even an attack called “Song of the Empress.” Mechagon too had enemies with sonic weaponry.
I’d say either heal/dps 2 spec class, or even a heal/dps/dps 3 spec class would be the most likely. Give them a single group buff similar to Arcane Intellect but maybe for versatility or something, and a single raid cooldown like a mastery version of time warp. Give them ranged weapons for white damage auto attacks and mail armor, and tie the instruments to the spell effects (like paladin librams on heal spells) with customizable, unlockable instruments, and you have a bard class in WoW.
People say that about everything, but have no real argument or historical facts to back it up. They didn’t think the Demon Hunter was going to happen or work either. The only thing they do agree on is what they want or would roll – otherwise it’s obviously a bad idea, a waste of resources & no one would ever play one.
Good thing it doesn’t matter what fearmongers believe; it’s what Blizzard decides to do. And there’s certainly no harm in making suggestions & trying to evolve what’s already there. It’s happened before.
Bards seem like a real cool idea and there could be like rock spec and jazz spec or techno. Each wit their own sound and abilities for example rock could do damage and techno could do something I don’t know what I am saying is it would be cool but shouldn’t really be confined to the bard support stereotype.
If Bard were a support class like they are in other games they’d be mandatory raid positions. Since no other class fits that archetype. Maybe old Shamans. But they have moved away from that idea.
If anything the only class left to get is Sapper. But at the same time you’d think Hunters take up a large part of that kit anyway. You could almost make it a Sapper spec for Hunters.
Bard’s would be amazing, I would totally main a bard, 2 DPS specs and 1 support would make perfect sense.
Blade bard, Spell Bard, and Buff/Healing bard…
very much like the Everquest Bard, beautiful class it is.
Magical musical notes fluttering about…I need this in my life.
Not true, though they are more seen as support, much of the bards from other games and lore can be seen in all shapes and forms, they are known as the jack of all trades after all.
While I do agree that a bard doesn’t bring anything new in the current paradigm,
Only in the FF world. Red mage isn’t a thing in D&D. Bards can be rogues, bards can be healers, bards can be arcane casters (glass cannons) and bards bring tons of non combat solutions with bluff/diplomacy, which is not a thing that applies to WoW but still -bards are the de facto jacks of all trades.
(EDIT: And they can do all those things very well, not even with specific builds)
It isn’t always about filling the gaps, it’s a roleplaying game, we should be given more options to role play in Azeroth is all, bards do exist in the world.
Maybe the next expansion can usher in the Bard tie in
Bards exist in the world, but they’re heavily associated with Rogues. Also Blizzard had made it rather clear that any new class has to match the theme of the expansion it’s introduced in. Unless we’re doing WoW: The musical, I don’t see a Bard class entering the game.
Blizzard developing a lore character to base this class on would help a lot.
The likelihood of this happening is slim I agree with that, we are just voicing what we’d like in the game.
Any company with enough creativity can make this happen, just like most of their classes/races, they add a 100-300 questline chain introducing them to the world and their purpose…it’s really not hard to wrap your head around, you seem to be dead set on trying to shoot down any possibility, it just sounds like you have a really closed mind. It isn’t hard to bring in Bardic Elves or Humans as a minor part of a new expansion to make this a reality.
In all of these discussions no one has come up with a play style niche for this class to exist in. Like what’s the point of it? We have multiple classes who buff themselves with music or voice (Battle Shout, Horn of Winter, Song of Chi-Ji, Divine Hymn, Stampeding Roar, etc.), and we even have a history of classes bringing a variety of auras (Paladins, Shaman, Hunters).
So again, what is this class bringing to the table that simply can’t be implemented into an existing class/specialization?
My thoughts exactly. Bards seem to be a class best suited for a role that currently doesn’t exist in wow. This is way I think they aren’t coming any time soon.
I understand the game doesn’t need them, but the already existing classes already overlap on some of their abilities, they are more to add flavor to the game. A lot of people including my self are fans of the Bard.
They could easily add new buffs to the game, mass resistance, purifying, speed, mastery, versatility group/raid buffs, sure some of these may already exist but that allows other classes to pick other auras, etc. Bards could also be a DPS spec as well from spells to blades, very much how druids have various types of battle systems.