Barbershop SoD P4

Lmao this isn’t vanilla. It’s SoD, or potentially Classic plus.

These Andy’s are hilarious. You should probably stay off SoD forums.


At this point I wish blizzard would just give them a fresh classic so they would shut up with the #NOCHANGES crap. Than they could complain about no one playing it in their own forum


Stick to retail Barbies

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You’re awfully pissy. Maybe you should stay off the forums if you can’t handle dissent.

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You’d never hear from me again. You can ruin your game however you want, and we can enjoy ours.

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So then go play Vanilla. You have your own game. SoD isn’t for you and no amount of whining will change that. You’ve had and will continue to have zero gotcha moments.

How hard is it to go play Vanilla and mind your own business? Imagine inserting yourself into a conversation that you don’t like. No one here is pissy except you.

Go play Vanilla and leave SoD to those who enjoy it.


heh i played all through from dec 2004 to bfa and first raid into shadowlands so i have played retail.

sod is not classic + it is retail minus.

i am agaisnt transmogs and to a lesser extent barber shop.

there are plenty of reasons to be against transmog without some way to toggle it off and without it being default that it is off.

barber shop is whatever but being someone who usually fights against qol garbage (though that time is pretty much poof with the amount of crap theyve added in sod) i dont want to see it added or have any dev time that could be used on actually good things to be spent on it.

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barber fine. transmog NEVER


Cataclysm plays by far more like Retail. The grind in SoD is definitely fast, but if they’re continuing to release new seasons, then they don’t really have a choice but to make leveling somewhat fast. You have to respect peoples time. If you’re gonna do an ARPG style season in an MMO, then this makes sense. Most people work a 9-5 and have a family to take care of. You know lives. (Not saying you said the average person doesn’t have a life).

Now if they use SoD as a test run for Classic Plus, then I doubt leveling will be as fast as it is now. The amount of people that are freaking out over SoD is hilarious.

Vanilla will always be there for those who don’t like any changes. It’s simple.

I do agree with no transmog though. Achievements, transmog, account wide mounts, dungeon finder, and all that can stay out of SoD/Classic Plus.


i know alot of people like to parrot the “respect peoples time” line.

i have problems with that entire line of thinking.

is it respecting peoples time to just hand them loot on a platter and make things alot less rewarding by cheapening everything?

isnt it respecting someones time more by making things to work for and delay rewards to be more impactful?

honestly with the seasonal experimental version we have currently i dont mind the leveling being a bit easier so i can actually run multiple alts to “test” things .

in that spirit it is fine .

in fact , i think instead of making “better” loot from the heat levels , they should just give more loot for higher difficulties . hell maybe even on heat level 3 increase the drop chance for the legendaries like bindings and eye of sulfuras!!

beyond that though, if you add in too many ways to avoid actually working towards a goal it cheapens and kills any sense of accomplishment.


Yeah I totally get what you’re saying. I personally like Classic more because it’s a grind.

I just mean for SoD initially that they’re trying to get everyone on an equal playing field. It indeed is, kind of like Retail in that aspect. I don’t believe this is their true intent though. Like you said, I believe this is all just to test things.

Our choices could realistically look like this:

SoD [insert whatever season]
Cataclym Classic (could continue throughout all expansions if there’s interest)

That would be my guess. SoD could be a catalyst for testing seasons and Classic+ content.

I’m honestly okay with spending months grinding for a chance at a .62% drop legendary. The whole point of Classic to me is the grind and I love it!


Your choices should matter.

If they really did add barbershop, it should be to change hairstyles. Not skin color, Face shape etc


No one is looking at another characters face or would even notice if their skin color changed… Like sure maybe some RP people would but they’re a weird group to begin with. Just disable it on RP servers so they can have their “immersion”

Where? Where is the progressive Vanilla server?

Says the guy whining for changes. :thinking:

How hard is it to play the game without dressup?

Who cares? Why do games need to revolve around your schedule? Just play when you have time like everyone else.


Imagine you prefer the NFL over the CFL. Yet, you whine whenever the CFL changes something about the game. It doesn’t make any sense because it doesn’t effect what you like. The CFL is completely separate from the NFL. So, just watch the NFL.

Your logic is quite literally that of a 5 year old whining. For all you know they could still release Vanilla progressive servers AND have SoD be it’s separate thing. For whatever reason, your brain, is so simple, that it cannot comprehend, anything other than conflating the two.

SoD is not Vanilla Era, nor is it Vanilla progressive. How hard is that to comprehend? You seriously can’t be a real human being.

Guess what? You have Vanilla Era servers, so go play that and quit inserting yourself into a completely separate version of the game that you don’t care for. How hard is it to be a grown adult?

I can tell you’re a taddle tale in real life.


Those aren’t progressive, sorry bud. I go where I please.

You’re asking for dressup. You’re getting tilted because I don’t share your opinion. Maybe do some introspection.

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Cry more.

Go play Vanilla Era no one cares. You can reply a million times and I’ll be repeating this same comment from here on out. This is SoD, not Vanilla. Stay mad.

Introspection was a big word for you. Good job, bud.


honestly youre both doing the same thing and its kinda silly for either of you to say go play this version or that version.

kinda embarassing too for someone to do the equal of no you and act so smug about it.

while its true it is not vanilla it doesnt also mean that it is completely meant to be something completely out of left field either.

its a false dichotomy .


Acting like SoD will bleed over into Classic+ if they even decide to go that route is wild. For all we know SoD is it’s own permanent thing and this is season one. They’re being mad just to be mad and it’s honestly pathetic.

I made this point earlier and this is like comparing the CFL to the NFL. It’s football, so it plays identical. If you get mad at the NFL for changing the way things are, but you like the CFL, then it makes zero sense.

They are two completely separate leagues even though they function the same.