Given that Blizzard is going down the direction of bringing some amazing QoL changes into Classic TBC, such as seal of blood for Alliance Paladins & introducing a 1 off boost in the game, I think it’s time for a barber shop conversation.
This would be an immensely positive addition to the game that would have 0 impact on core gameplay & will give players options to redo their style as they wish.
This would be a fantastic win for TBC Classic.
Their stance on “#somechanges” is about balancing and/or smoothing the game out as opposed to adding in a bunch of QoL features.
EDIT: They say so here (it’s about Drums, but if you keep watching, more info is revealed).
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I don’t see myself using barbershops, but it’s one of the few changes I would be completely fine with. I can’t see how you could argue that it would go against the spirit of TBC, so long as it’s the original barbershop, that doesn’t have all the options that have been added over the years on retail. Though, I would like to see the prices increased, so it could function as a light gold sink.
Classic is going to be in desperate need of new gold sinks with the rate its rolling.
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There’s a barbershop in Cosmowrench in Netherstorm, on retail.
If they did add barbers to TBC Classic, it’d be pretty awesome if that was the only one
No way! All the gnomes who chose pigtails should have to live with their poor life choices!
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Probly ought to move this to the TBC forum mang.
You wish you were as cute as me.
Go back to retail? Don’t be an @$&*#%£.
Speaking of barbershops
Our local barber just got arrested for selling drugs.
I’ve been going to that guy for 5 years and I never knew he was a barber!
Really? Then why are they selling a warp stalker mount? That’s not in the original TBC.
Yes to barbershops.
No to xmog. Seeing peoples gear helps with pvp.
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Money. Barbershop won’t give them money.
I know it’s money, but you said they wouldn’t do anything unless it’s a balancing, etc.
Gameplay mechanics wise, yes.
Is the Barbershop feature falling under QoL category?
No Barbershop get back to retail
Character re customization in the blizzard store for $5 to $10. This is not a faction or race change.
Blizzard gets to make some money. Players that want the service would be happy. Players that don’t want an in game barbershop for their immersion wouldn’t be affected. No they won’t be able to tell if my toon changed their hairstyle.
This is a win-win situation.
It originally came out in wotlk so you’ll probably have to wait until then