GDKP is not a gold source just a transfer from player to player. If you didn’t need to farm it someone else had to.
And on a separate note the only way to answer the question asked by OP is basically for Blizzard to run an experiment where half the players are put into a GDKP server and the other half of on a non GDKP one, and obviously they will not run such a controlled experiment so people will just keep arguing here comparing apples to oranges.
Please read again to understand my point. I’m responding to the argument that less gold is bought because people get it from GDKPs. I’m saying the gold still has to be farmed by some player or bot outside the raid.
And on the second part the point is that existing GDKP servers are on a different phase, different population or different game version so you can’t compare the economy because the supply and demand would be different for reasons having nothing to do with the GDKP rule. It’s not a controlled comparison.
you are right, its worse than any server, because the game is even more minmaxed than in 2019 and the server is more giant and inflated, you can’t really compare a 7k pop 2019 server to a 2025 server with multiple times that amount.
The chosen pvp megaserver will always be the most extreme case of anything, if you look at dreamscythe, they are significantly less impacted
the reality is that we have no idea what’s happening on the server unless blizzard tells us and arguing if gdkp would make it better or worse is pure guessing
“pug” crews like these tend to be alts runners just chilling. free of guild concerns. You don’t want to tick off the LC masters too much guild politics stuff.
Small breaks from the e-napoleon ego complexes you can find in “proper” crews can be nice.
its not like you can remove that crap. I mean you could, 5 guilds later. Issue…in that 5th guild ones slot on LC list is so far down it not even be funny.
Some in proper guilds think all say 50 want to be there for the love of it. More than a few of them are probably going they don’t want to give up their slot 5 on lc to join a new guild and start over in slot 10+ lol.
Reducing the encouragement to RMT isn’t the only stated reason for the ban.
The other stated reason is that it reduces the motivation to engage in the social fabric of guilds and other such aspects of the community. This I feel is heavily benefitting in Anniversary thanks to the GDKP ban, so I’d say it was a successful approach.
All blizzard has to do is go on nightslayer discord and see the guilds selling items, and the secret gdkps that exist being advertised, dudes bragging about how much gold they have bought, some well over 20k.
Gold buying is more popular than it’s ever been. Botting more rampant. Even the average user buys gold now where they might not have before, because they know there is no fear of being banned.
Hey that’s good you found a server that takes in your needs! You can imagine why bringing in raiding systems that suit people that can only play in 4 month stints would hurt wow. Glad there is a work around for you