Oh absolutely. I can never seem to pry my rose-tinted glasses off just enough to come to terms with the fact that I’m never going to find a guild that feels exactly like the guild that I raided with in OG WotLK did but that hasn’t kept me from trying. Much prefer raiding with the same 24 (or 39 or however many) people than a random assortment of folks each lockout.
If you’re playing classic wow as a solo player that doesn’t have a guild or a raiding group where you hang out with friends in disc, you’re missing out.
I still would have preferred gdkp’s be left in.
Gdkp ban Pros:
More people join guilds
A few whales buy less gold (no real change to bots or RMT overall)
Gdkp ban Cons:
Less good pugs
Less incentive to play alts
Less incentive to continue raiding older content on characters that don’t need gear.
well if the aim was to reduce RMT, it failed by every objective measure but the aim could be something else, who knows
the only downside is that your guild might not raid at your preferred time, but there are several hundred guilds to choose to play with on each faction, just on nightslayer alone. id imagine between pve and pvp server your options are quite literally in the thousands.
if you cant find a guild that works around your schedule, you arent trying hard enough.
if they really cared about “social and guild dynamic” they wouldn’t have forced everyone onto 1 megaserver
wtf are you even talking about? these megaservers are the most social i have ever seen wow, ever, and has the best guild dynamic.
they have their problems, but antisocial players and poor guild dynamics arent part of them
I’ll try to be explicit here. If enough people behave in a certain way in a game that is intentionally social, then that behavior reflects to the entire player base as a whole. In other words, if enough people participate in GDKPs, then playing that way feels like it’s a standard and pushes less of an emphasis on guilds. For example, if enough people min/max world buffs, then more people will feel pressured into getting them.
Yes, you don’t have to play that way i.e. there are plenty of people playing say Cata that happily raid with their guild week in and week out but for a new player joining the game, how a lot of people approach the game very much matters. This is not an indictment on any behavior in particular; I’m simply trying to point out the sociological aspects. What is good for the game is left up to the reader.
Well that’s rude.
My initial gdkp experience was shortly after SoM ended. A player named Rageous set up a GDKP for new players to Whitemane. His min bid for items was something super cheap like 20g. That legitimately helped a lot of new players get started on a server where people had reached gold cap already.
I ended up meeting some players from Paradigm (a 2SR guild) and was invited to the guild.
I had a vastly different experience than what you’re describing as “trash”.
Now that’s not to say that there isn’t trash or toxicity in that community, but that’s everywhere.
No need to get personal or hostile, we’re just trying to have a discussion.
megaservers are too big for social dynamics to matter everyone is at maximum rudeness because they know their bad reputation will never follow them
people like tyrinas think literally every item in every gdkp goes for 60,000g
If playing a certain way influences others to play a certain way, and those people then actually do play that, then that means they enjoy playing that way. If they enjoy playing that way, then let them play that way imo
This is an excellent example of how 2 different dynamics can feel differently to 2 different people with 2 different situations. One of these guys said they can’t commit to a schedule so they float around different guilds for which GDKP is great, assuming you have the gold. He doesn’t play no GDKP systems because he doesn’t enjoy that privilege to the same extent. The other is describing a more 1 guild centric dynamic in a system where GDKPs are banned but is also saying the social connections in that guild are super strong. This probably wouldn’t exist with GDKPs in the game or at least be harder to find, so he plays this version of the system.
Who is “right”? Which situation has “the stronger social and guild dynamic”? /shrug
and if you don’t have the gold, all you have to do is 2-3 gdkps and now you have the gold
it truly is an amazing system
that hasnt been my experience at all.
if that many people are being rude to you, perhaps you should look in the mirror and ask yourself why.
you dont even plauy anniversary so ANY opinion you have on anniversary realms litearlly doenst matter. AT ALL
the difference in player attitude between anniversary and era is night and day
i will respectfully disagree what whoever buys the most gold gets the loot is anywhere close to a good distribution system
I dont think its about which is right or wrong. What works for me wont work for someone else. What works for him might not work for me. I think its all about preference and not being forced into playing a certain way.
era player detected. opinion not relevant.
well you certainly aren’t rude
the same way my opinion isnt relevant about era is the same way your opinion about anniversary isnt relevant.
its not being rude. its stating a fact. we can both have our opinions, but neither is relevant to what the other plays.