Banning GDKP is pointless

They can attack the problem from multiple angles simultaneously.


but they aren’t…they are just doing something that has zero effect on RMT.

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Keep trying to push your agenda of, RMT will always exist so may as well not ban GDKP’s. You’re way too transparent, they’re banned phase 2 and you can’t do anything about it

i don’t see anyone saying they should keep GDKP. what i do see is people sayin removing them isn’t the huge anti RMT win people think it is.

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It most definitely will not have zero effect. The incentive to buy gold will decrease dramatically, which hurts the bottom line of the gold selling businesses.

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If this were even a little bit true then gold buying wouldn’t have existed for literally more than a decade before GDKP. The fact that this concept is so hard for some people to grasp is mind numbing.

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Once again making the prediction that the status quo will not change isn’t fear mongering.

It’s more of a critique.


He’s not saying the status quo. He said unless every single gold farmer quits Classic, and unless RMT is completely eradicated from the game, that banning GDKPs is pointless.

That is an absurd argument that no one is going to take seriously. It’s just a horrible strawman argument.

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Server economies don’t usually get blown out in 2 months either but here we are


ooof this is a pretty silly lie to post in a forum where people can scroll up and see your lies written out for them…maybe take an L and walk away for the night friend.

How does that make this a strawman? It’s a valid view on things, removing GDKP is nothing more than a bandaid on a gaping wound.

Well I guess we’ll see if there’s a tangible improvement to the problems people have claimed GDKPs cause.

If there’s not well then it will be entirely fair to call out the people who were whining about GDKPs.

Don’t fix anything if something else is broken too. Gotcha.

it’s more like…don’t work on the television when the microwave is what is broken.

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I think you’re ready for that L “friend” phase 2 it’s still banned :smiling_face:

that has zero effect on me.

Seems to me like a win if the gdkp spam will stop and they will be hidden.

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Then this thread is pointless :smiling_face:

i would 100000% agree with this except i don’t actually even see much GDKP spam on my server. It did get a tad annoying on era though.

Bad analogy, as microwaves dont encourage televisions to break TOS.