Banned for using inappropriate language?!?! Really?!

Right, that was just an example to get a point across. Hopefully Vrak can shed some light :slight_smile:

The answer has been that time can play a factor in certain punishments, but to not expect it. Especially in the case of chat violations. It’s pretty well set that if you rose to a 4-day silence, you’re risking an 8-day silence if you continue, no matter how long it has been.

As stated above. It does not reset. Ever.

This is true for Silences. It is programmed in to the system I think.

For Suspensions it is up to the GMs and the policies in place at the time. They factor in account history, nature of the violation, policy, etc. Then issue a consequence. They don’t tend to tell us players what the details are so that folks can’t game them to avoid “worse things”.

They just want people to pay fair and be nice.


But they do take in to account how long it has been since you were last infracted. It doesn’t even take in to account specific types of infractions, just infractions in general from what I’ve gathered over the years here on the CSF.

Not really, no. We’ve had different penalty systems over the years, which included periods where old violations would no longer be considered. Once we moved to the silence system, we no longer were using decaying penalties, so any penalty from that point on would be part of your account’s history. I believe the silence system went in around Legion, so the history would go from that point.

Note, this really only applies to social and naming violations. Exploitation or cheating isn’t a factor, they are on their own path, usually far more severe.


Right – they’re not treated the same. A bad name violates the same CoC and does more damage to the broader community because it’s not filterable, but it may not be punished at someone’s “judgment call,” i.e., arbitrary decision. I AM FOR consequences. So is Torture based on the OP. But failing to apply the rules with some integrity and proportionality is just another form of bad behavior. At least it is IRL.


There really isn’t a reason to drudge up this thread from a few days ago just to counter.

The bottom line is our policies have specific penalties involved based on the violation and the history on the account. We make that determination, it’s not a “judgement call” it follows specific guidelines that we have created.