Banned for too much honor

It’s not trolling though so it’s whatever. Sorry you didn’t get the answer you were looking for.

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Insulting people is defined as trolling on these forums. You can read the forum CoC if you want.

I think this just may have happened to me too. I just made a post. I know for sure now they don’t review every case. I am POSITIVE! I still can’t believe this. I watch these tools jumping at the AV vendor for days and days. Reported nothing. I am actually playing my character. So blown away right now!

100% you were non-participating/exploiting. Take a stroll on over at the Customer Support forums and tell Blizzard what you have told us here and see what they have to say. My money is on Blizzard.

Go ahead, I will wait…


If they’re “not reachable”, then how did HE get there?

You’re rather boring.

You’re either playing dumb or you recently bought your char and actually asking.

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He literally says that they were doing a lot of “jumps” in GY and tunnel.
That tells me that they were probably exploiting unreachable areas which is a ban reason.


let me try
lick blizzard’s boots

I’m sure he ran off to do exactly what you’re saying just specifically because you said this.

What ever happened to that other guy who had this same issue?

The one that was half filled with posts about how the guy lead his own premades and because he never afk’d while in a premade meant he never afk’d at all.

Did we ever find out?

He eventually admitted he solo queued a “few” games and afked while watching videos.



Blizzard said it so it must be true

Remember when they said layering was only a temporary thing?

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That’s not a ban reason though. You just get a deserters flag.

There’s a difference between intentionally lying and to renege due to unforeseen circumstances (a worldwide pandemic.)

No he was avoiding being afked out which is actionable.


You go back on you word often enough and people will rightfully doubt everything you have to say

Which is why Blizzard doesn’t communicate as much as people want. People want information, they want to know exactly what’s happening and if things change… They call you a liar and attribute it to malice.

Remember Tseric? He lost his mind because of the forums.


maybe when he titled the post “banned for too much honor” what else do you think he was implying

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