Banned for cheating/exploit?

TSM uses an external executable to update the databases. The actual addon itself runs in the addons folder, but it depends on the executable to get prices from an external database. TSM does not actually do anything that violates the ToU, but it was an example of how an addon MIGHT be able to violate the rules if it also uses in external executable in addition to the stuff in the addons folder.


It’s worth asking if anyone else has access to the computer you play WoW on. Either a minor child playing under your account, or another adult that switches accounts to play but uses the same machine.

The reason that I ask is because if another person downloaded and installed something on your computer without your knowledge, it’s entirely possible that the software was running in the background without you knowing about it.

I do apologize for your frustration. Hope you get the problem worked out.


I’m the only one with access to my laptop and my security is pretty tight on my account so I wasn’t hacked.

They wont tell me what program I was allegedly running so all I can do is delete everything that isn’t a simple appearance change just to be sure, wait out my 6 month suspension and hope this never happens again.

Again, thank you all for the replies, theories and support. It has been super helpful.

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Fair enough… I was hoping the angle of some unknown software on your computer might turn up the culprit.

I wish you the best of luck wherever your gaming takes you :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m closing this topic because we do not allow the discussion of disciplinary actions on the forums.