Banned 2 hrs before TWW live for "Hacking"

Hey peoples. Been playing Wow since TBC era. Have like 20+ 70’s, and now technically 2 80’s… Well, according to Blizzard HAD characters.

This account, BlueDragon, has been what I’ve played as for nearing two decades now. All my mounts, achieves, quests progress, etc are all here.

I bought the early access version of TWW. I wanted to get to 80 asap and start gearing and farming. New expansions the best time for gold making and playing in general because of just how many return.

Got my shaman through the questline. Farmed some fish mining nodes, and leather as I DPS queued for gear. After I broke the 560 or whatever for heroics, I swapped to my alt druid. leveled resto dungeons, and eventually swapped to bear/cat. Made it to 80 fine, was starting to work on gearing. had to go to work, so game sat for like 14 hrs.

Went to log into druid. Queued to cat dps. Got one pack into dungeon then got “You’ve been disconnected from the server.” Whatever, my wifi sometimes drops. I click reconnect. I get a little popup “This account has been banned. Please review our terms of service and EULA for more information as well as our banned webpage.”

Like… WTF. Like seriously what in the actual world is going on. I look at launcher, big circle with slash saying banned. I sign into Account banned. I check email. Reason for the ban is supposedly “Breaking the Terms of Service(Hacking).”

I am not that tech saavy. I’m not a 60 year old man, I am 31. But I do not code, I do not hack, I don’t use anything other than addons from Curse/ I don’t bot, I don’t script, nothing.

The ticket for the ban since has gotten 4 automated “The EULA was breached” autoreplies and a “A GM looked things over and we will not overturn.” But no actual reason as to supposedly why. Tickets been open since the ban happened.

I legit screen-capped my entire addon list and computers program/app list and submitted it. I don’t bot, I don’t script, I don’t do any of that stuff. I just level alts and gear what I feel like playing. I am exceptionally casual of a player.

Regardless, now I can’t even play or gear my characters, and half a week if not more will be gone and I still have NO IDEA as to why I was banned. Is fishing against TOS? I use better fishing, which lets me 2x right click to cast? TSM for auctions? GSE, a macro/sequence addon that has been around forever?

Legit at this point, if this isn’t undone, I am never doing anything blizzard related again. They already ruined Diablo series in my mind. OW was never something I liked. HOTS and Hearthstone I find exceptionally boring and jankey. I liked SC 2 but that’s never getting content again.

Wow was the only reason for me to even have the Blizz launcher, and now for legitimately no reason, other than “You broke TOS by Hacking” in an exceptionally vague message, I am banned.

Michael C. lvl 80 Shimmyshamm and lvl 80 Kwakun on Stormrage.


Well, if what you’re saying is true, I’m shocked. I hope you can resolve this issue.

Friend, currently yours and my situations are almost the exact same, except I dont use Better Fishing or TSM. Did a little fishing after learning it from the trainer, same as you, got actioned 2 hours before TWW global launch. Best of luck of luck to you, adventurer.

GSE is automation doing your rotation for you.

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