Bane of Havoc (PvP talent) not working

Has anyone been able to get Bane of Havoc to proc?

Havoc and Mayhem are working. But when you talent into the PvP talent bane of havoc, it never procs. Anyone else seem to have this issue? Tested on the pvp target dummies and cleave dummies for a very long while, tried to get it to proc in Rated PvP, doesn’t seem to work.

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It DOES proc, the buff appears on my buff bar, my Tell Me When icon lights up indicating Havoc is on something, but the ground effect and the debuff never appear on any target.

Can confirm Havoc and Mayhem work together, but the pvp talent “bane of havoc” is broken causing the debuff to never be applied


Also opened topic right now…Still not fixed.


bumping because I just tried this and is still not working