<Bane> (H)

Bane is recruiting for our core raid team we are 10/10 MC and 1/1 Ony. We are a semi-hardcoreraiding guild with active discord. We don’t mess around we get in collect dem purps and get out. We have a lot of players that have raided competitively and have a vast knowledge of the game.

Guild requirements:
Be respectful of guild members and non guild members.
Come to raid fully prepared that means consumables and all enchants.

Loot system:
Will be using RCloot council for Blackwing Lair.

Raid schedule:
Friday/Monday – 8:30-11:30 (eastern)
We will be considering adding a 3rd day once ZG hits.

No Application required just a quick chat about yourself and what you want out of the guild

If interested contact via discord:
GM - Zharv#8898
Officer - Conzfearacy#0744