Ban/disable GSE (aka Lazy macro addon) please

This should NOT be allowed in this game all it’s does one button macro for your damage and stuff (Look at FFXIV they insta ban people who uses one button macro addons) so blizzard should do so as well !!!


It’s almost exactly like Blizzard’s own castsequence macro.

Should they break their own API first?


The entire reason why every class is filled with reactive procs is so you can’t castsequence your way to top dps. If you’re using a 1 button macro you’re trading viability for ease of use, which is a totally fair tradeoff. If someone is beating you on 1 button you can only blame yourself.


Why ban it it doesn’t even work. I spent days trying to get it to work and it operates way too slow.

Yes it helps you by putting things in one button but I ended up disabling it because it still doesn’t replace what a player can do.


Castsequence is a good way to see the GY.

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No thanks. I played that game for a week. It’s filled with people into, how do I say this without using specific wording… massive age gaps?


It helps but it still won’t be as good as someone who can make sense of how to use their ability.

LOL, no. XIV’s macro system has tools to enable a macro to fire many skills BY DESIGN … is the most obvious of these to insert pauses to allow the GCD to be handled, I have one to perform a Bard opener for some situations that totally won’t get me banned.


An addon that gives disadvantaged players an opportunity to play the game they love (without giving them an advantage over other players) should be banned because FF does (even though they don’t)…

Nah, Strongly disagree


You can tell OP has no clue what GSE actually does. LOL


“Almost” is a key word here.

The sole difference is following up the macro on a fail condition.
That’s it.

You can circumvent it with a run/script command or, drum rolls, an addon, like GSE, to automate the long command…

I don’t use the addon but I can see its potential usefulness for disabled players.

The only API I don’t want Blizzard breaking atm is the /cast [mod] one with #showtooltip, I can live without all the rest.

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i smell a ban addons thread.

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This is my first time commenting on a post here, literally just signed up to say one thing…

Should be banned cause auto plays for you as one button macro

GSE is an accessibility tool to an accessibility feature. It’s never perfect nor does it produce top DPS results.
GSE just simplifies something that has been done pretty much forever. It just makes it more accessible to less technically capable players.

FF has nothing to do with the price of tea in China.

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I don’t use GSE personally. But it would appear that it’s just an addon that addresses the fact that there are far too many class abilities on the main GCD. I suspect the reason people have for using GSE would mostly evaporate if blizz took a few select abilities from each class, off the GCD. Mage shields for example. Easily compensatable by increasing its CD.

You came back a month later to still be wrong? :roll_eyes:


If the macro thing sucks at pulling huge numbers but lets people who can’t press a million keys in a specific order play the game you’re absolutely right. That’s just accessibility which is awesome.

If it does allow someone to execute the whole like 20+ key opener perfectly it shouldn’t be allowed or at least not for pvp or raid content or whatever. I’m very pro easy more or “cheats” when they dont impact other players.

i agree, i have left arm nerve damage and this helps me to become almost par with the good players.

Now i am against players that use it just to gain top tier parses, that should get you a ban in so many ways but it wont happen.

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