Ban waves are a myth

Ban waves are a myth used to justify Blizzard’s laziness, greed and inaction.
Bots swarming a zone 24/7 sucking up all resources? “Blizzard bans in waves bro!”
Same bots running the same scripts in the same zones 24/7 months later? “Blizzard bans in waves bro!”
Stop using this excuse and face facts. Blizzard does not care about WoW Classic.


To my knowledge blizzard hasn’t done ban waves for gatherbots, they likely feel the gold earned doesn’t effect the wow economy enough to warrant losing 15$ a month +


Blizzard doesnt care


may the bots be with you


You ever think that maybe just maybe the reason they haven’t been banned is because they are not bots?? just because a person runs around for hours on end does not make them a bot.


This, I don’t think I’ve run into a single bot farming Silithus and I’m there a lot mindlessly grinding while I watch Netflix.


Yeah seriously I have done things that may look bot’ish, its not my fault that the resources spawn in the same spots making me run in the same pattern over and over again, add to that me watching Netflix on my other screen completely zoned out just going through the motions, I am not saying bots dont exist, but if after a period of time they dont get banned maybe they are not bots and are just some person zoned out farming.


or he is lying to you and does bot

and maybe these people are not bots.


I sat in Moonglade for four hours straight farming Nightfin Snapper for myself and the other healers in my guild cause i wuv them.


Monsters descending on our cities! Cannibal zombie attackers! Giant creatures from the stone age! Oh the humanity! Where is superman now that we need him? Will anyone save us from these horrible bots?

Perfection is impossible in real life. Preventing all cheating is laughably impossible. You don’t care, you still blame Blizzard for not preventing it.

Classic WoW only exists because “Blizzard cares about players”. It is a copy of an old NON-IMPROVED-BY-BLIZZARD game. That is what was asked for. That INCLUDES botting and every other bad thing in Vanilla. It is there because players asked for it,

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Lol you would think I’m a bot. I farm nightfin snapper nightly. Around 2 or 3 am I’m circling around a zone looking for plaguebloom :wink:


I am just saying as you stated according to reddit there are lots of “non bots” geting banned for boting, then you have post like this saying all the bots never get banned…not like there are liers on reddit or anything, not like people who bot would say they weren’t boting them people are always truthful. :roll_eyes: maybe just maybe they are banning the bots and the people you think are bots …are not bots.


I’ve been reported as a bot. A friendly GM came into the game, had a nice chat with me, figured out I was obviously a real player, and left.

It’s a good thing I wasn’t making soup or something.

again how do you know?? just seems odd to me that blizzard would ban non bots over actual bots…and using Reddit as a credible source is laughable to me.

resources spawn in certain locations at certain times…if you have control over a location you can even accurately predict when and where the next spawn will be just saying

I am not trying to win an argument I am trying to understand so I can more accurately find bots and report them sense you seem to have the know. How is it you think Reddit knows more accurately then the company that can see every input the person makes down to the millisecond.

So far all you have given me is “They are bots and I know it” …but how?

Dying repeatedly seems like a really bad way to level up, Never seen that, Not saying it dont happen just never personally seen that

When you hit an enemy player the game automatically targets you just saying you smack me while I am out and about I might attack you as well.

I am sure there have been false positives, just as I am 100% there have been people who claim they weren’t boting that never got it overturned because they were boting, just as I am sure there have been people that the community thinks are bots that are not. :man_shrugging: best you can do is report them, if they never get banned maybe they are not a bot, maybe that dude dying to the wolf over and over again is just really high and smoked a fat one

Any proof that ban waves are a “myth”? What do you mean they are a myth? Are you saying people do not actually get banned? Seems weird that Blizz would post about it just to straight up lie to their paying audience. Sound more like your mad about some random person you suspect is botting without proof of such.

Sure but even if you’re watching netflix or just doing as you discribed it would never look and function like this. Skip to the end and watch the mining.

That’s not till phase 6 bro

They aren’t a myth, they are just always coming Soon.

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It is a myth because they only claim to ban accounts. They don’t actually provide proof that they have. Making a claim isn’t the same thing as demonstrating a fact. What it really comes down to is how credible you view blizzard as an authority when it comes to policing themselves.

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