Ban warlocks just trying to get their abysmally bad droprate BIS? Ok

But we can’t ban the 100+ warlock bots per minute in LFG selling summons?

It makes sense to patch a bug that was being exploited, and some sort of penalty pushed to those who participated, but two weeks? While the same summon bots have been active for continuous weeks without logging out? So much for combatting RMT being a priority in SOD.


Back up…

People got banned?

Yeah someone at Blizzard actually clocked in this week.


between 2 to 14 days depending on the amount of times they exploited.

people that farmed ~400 got 14 days

I for one love the warlock bots spamming lfg chat, I’ve been taking summons and not paying them for all of SoD, you’re basically playing a mage and don’t even have to buy the reagents.


“how dare they ban us for using an exploit to get infinite amounts of free items”


Ban instance reset exploiters and delete their wild offering gear thx :blush:


I’m not mad the warlocks are banned, though I do think it’s Blizzards fault they felt the need to exploit in the first place so I personally think the sentence is high. I’m mad this exploit is new and already addressed while Crusader Strike has had the exact same warlock online and shoved into a corner selling summons to Stonard for literally 2 straight weeks, with no logouts. Unpunished.

The bots are insane but it’s real people trying to get gear in Blizzards abysmally designed content that get the harsh sentence.

Okay, sure but its very common knowledge that exploits and bots are handled differently for very good reasons.

Warlocks really worked their way up to being the most annoying class in SoD, and it’s not even most warlock’s fault. Seriously though, is my memory just bad or were summon spams never this bad in other iterations of Classic?

My brother in the decadeish that I high-end raided, warlocks were always the most annoying class. There is something about warlock design where it encourages warlock players to inconvenience everyone at every chance they get just because they picked a class that historically inconveniences the player playing it.

Don’t take it out on the warlock summoners man. Those guys are providing an INSANE service that I’ve never witnessed in classic before. That sh*t is FIRE.

I make the 3g back in 5 minutes mining instead of boating and flying for 20 minutes to ungoro from IF.

What a terrible take. That warlock bug was so clearly an exploit.

EDIT: If you don’t like the spam, get the Addon “LFG Bulletin Board” it parses out your LFG chat into categories on a bulletin board interface. It’s amazing, and you’ll never have issues with LFG chat on a mega-server again.


this right here, i spent AT LEAST 400g in summons and saved DAYS of flight/running time.

goblin voice
“time is money friend”

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There is no excusable reason a single person at Blizzard can give me for why we have had the same bots active for the entirety of Phase Three but they got unto Fel Scar exploiters in two days flat.

Absolutely none. It is inexcusable for a company we give money to show such distain for the integrity of their own game when they pick and choose what parts to actually monitor.

Between the bots, the lack of testing literally at all, and the repeated bugs and coding errors like the Alchemy quest being broken for over a week, any sane person should be disappointed with what they’re paying for.

I mean, you can’t ban someone for the alchemy quest being broken. And if you can’t fix the exploit quickly, the easy/quick fix is to ruthlessly ban anyone doing it so that people stop.

Botters fire up another account the second they get banned. Your entire problem with this is based on emotion, not logic.

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Go to Stonard, CS. The warlock tucked into the inside door with two level 7 clickers has been there since the second day of the phase.
The bots aren’t getting banned, period.
And that’s fact, not emotion.

Half of those summoners are players. How do you differentiate between a player manning 3 accounts and a botter? You’re just blatantly assuming that they’re all bots. Most of them whisper you back if you try to negotiate.

You’re ticked off because you got banned for exploiting. The summoner “bots” aren’t even a problem.

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Tell me you didn’t read without telling me you didn’t read, I guess.
This warlock has been on for every second of every day that the server is up.
Know any humans who go two weeks straight without sleep?

Apparently you–idk how you’re tracking how long he’s online without doing it yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

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