Ban the addon or limit the addon that auto-invites

Only bots benefit from this and then sell the gold. No brainer. Real people are trying to do services and bots make it obsolete for them to even try.

Sounds more like someone else is beating you to competition and you would rather believe they are bots.

I think they should take a stronger stance against spamming LFG with summons though.


if bots can figure out how to operate addons, I am sure flesh and bone humans can figure out how to operate addons too. us fleshlings invented addons, afterall.


you are clearly delusional

I love sock puppet QQ threads. Especially when they insult other posters.

just like you insulted me but you think you did nothing wrong?

Reverse psychology doesn’t work on me, friend.

Nor does projecting nonsensical ramblings as though I’m the one with a problem.

you are clearly the one with the problem as I am giving actual feedback about the game whereas you clearly have a bias to protect bots and gold selling. You are delusional

Case in point to my original statement. :point_down:

You claim without evidence that only bots are using and benefiting from auto-invites, and then you include this line:

This tells me that what you’re actually mad about is the fact you aren’t making gold off whatever you’re trying to sell.

Not mad at all. But it is clear that even Blizzard is protecting and promoting bots and gold selling because it keeps sub count high. How ever limiting auto-invites will at least help actual players.

And your evidence for this is what? Your personal feelings of not making enough gold off your services?

If you don’t see the clear evidence that blizzard is making money off of people using bots you clearly use bots yourself.

So we have either:

“It’s self evident!” or “Trust me bro!”

Neither of those are evidence. You’re just riding off feels and mad that you aren’t making gold. Get a job.

download those same addons then

I dunno. Some WoW players are extremely dumb. I mean they let me play the game…

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