Ban RestedXP

I thought Bethesda started trying to monetize add ons with the “creators club” or whatever it was called

Rumor has it, this might be a paid for addon but not 100% sure. Can someone confirm?

Here is a fun fact for you to digest. Blizzard can make or break any rule they see fit in their games.

End Of Story


Them not doing anything is an act of compliance on Blizzards part, the fact that they don’t act means it’s fine to do.

But it’s their profile/weakaura, they made it themselves with the addon and they’re not developers. If one had the knowledge anyone could make it because it’s provided within the addon itself (talking about TSM and Weakaura specifically). I honestly don’t see an issue with it.

this lmao, why are people so stressed about how fast you level?

majority wont even be 85 first week yet will buy/use restedXP, makes no sense

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I understand that Blizzard chooses not to enforce their own written rules in this case. It’s still a fact that selling anything add-on related is against those rules. I think they should update their policy if their stance on paid add-ons has changed.

Charging money to download a weakaura is obviously prohibited under those rules :person_shrugging:

I’ve never used RXP but I suspect it probably violates these parts of the policy as well?

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While the paid part of RestedXP is certainly against ToS, Blizzard has never really enforced that rule. Weakauras are being sold for money. Even back in the “gooooooood old days” where everything was good and the game had GMs, Zygor sold guides without punishment.

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Unpopular opinion - OP I hope your sitting down for this one. I love RXP and it’s one of the only reasons I am still able to play WoW at all. I started playing in 2006 when all I had to worry about was doing my homework and going to bed on time, ie I had the mental bandwidth and time to play all day (no regrets btw). Fast forward to 2024 - I am a boomer with a full time job , one hell of a commute, and a full plate of standard adult sh** to do on a daily basis.
In a given week I MIGHT have the ability to play for 1-2 hours a couple nights a week and maybe a bit more on the weekends. My drug of choice in this realm is Classic WoW - it’s the game I fell in love with and I am very grateful that it’s available now in Era form (retail feels like a cheap WoW-Scape like PServer that I have no interest in but I do understand time wise it probably offers more for a player like me, but no thanks) - RestedXP allows me to feel like I am ALWAYS progressing on my 1-60 path, even if I can only squeeze a 30 min session in, as opposed to just trying to find my own way through Azeroth (again, not 14 anymore with unlimited time to burn).
Do I understand that not everyone has X$ or whatever to throw at an addon? Yes, entirely, I was also that broke kid. Does it TRULY effect YOUR experience in any way? No not at all. I can tell I am beginning to rant and I think I made my point pretty clear, I’m sure someone will push their glasses up and tell me I am wrong but that’s the internet. At the end of the day, I just want everyone to be able to have the same amount of fun with this game that I know it can deliver.

TL;DR - I like it because I suck at leveling and I can’t play 12 hours a day.


What is the “real” thing it does beyond being a guide? Is it like an AI girlfriend?

This made me giggle, thanks!

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While I don’t like third party selling of addons or other things related to the game, I do think addon creators really helped WoW become the giant success it was.

I honestly think Blizzard should have hosted addons themselves on their own servers from the start and even given a small amount of sub money to addon creators each month, distributed based on addon usage. Like even just 10 cents of each persons sub each month should have gone into a fund that was distributed to addon creators.

They could have even had like an addon awards ceremony every year at Blizzcon to celebrate the best addons/creators.

Blizzard has financially benefitted substantially off of what was essentially free-labor from addon authors. Some addon distributors give addon authors some ad money now from their addon updating software, but I doubt it’s very much.

According to Blizzard’s addon development policy it specifically states addons must be free of charge, not advertise, not have premium versions, or otherwise have charges for services related to the addon.

No matter how you slice it how some addons like zygor/restedexp work does not follow the policy and Blizzard does nothing about it.


RestedXP isn’t paid… users however can make and sell paths and guides for it. The addon itself is free and costs nothing.

You just sound like you are trying to find something to be mad about.

How so. If it’s so obvious you should be able to expand upon this no problem.

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I was curious too…what more does it do? I might be interested in getting it if it does magical things.

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While on the surface it seems like it’s against ToS, it’s not. The addon restedxp is a tool to create scripts and a path to follow. They show you how it works from 1-20 then you’re free to make your own scripts.

The loophole is that they’ve created their own path and scripts that they’re selling. Not an addon to buy, but the work they’ve done to plot of efficient leveling route.

I’d say pirate it if you don’t like that they make you pay for their guides, but it’s going away soon with majority of classic behind us, Cata holds your hand to the next questing hub so it’s no longer a sellers market.


you can ban the paid version for sure
what i meant by that is he doesnt need to pay to use it

As mentioned before, its most powerful feature is an automatically updated targeting macro that changes what it targets based on your current quest step. This makes it easy to find specific mobs that might be hiding behind a tree or lost in the crowd or whatever. It also raid marks them. It also raid marks quest turn in NPCs for the step you’re on to make them easier to find.

As mentioned before, besides a guide, what else does it do?

So I’ll ask the quesiton “As mentioned before”

You see where I’m going with this… besides the obvious guide (which I’m well aware of, I know how it works and what it does), apparently it does more, and I’d like to know what that “more is” that everyone is supposed to know about?

You suspect? Come back when you have first hand experience. Otherwise you are just spreading baseless allegations.

Paid addon that also advertises itself in chat…

Should have been banned months ago.

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