Ban multiboxing

(raises hand)
I’ll do it :wave:

ok make it so no matter if you multibox or play the way the game was designed you can only get one hit on a node not ten. way easyer to ban them from the game or make a multiboxer server to play on.

No it doesn’t. Bots don’t need any human interaction. That’s why they’re call “bots.” As in robots?

No, multiboxing is done with macros and an outside of WoW program that turns your mouse and keyboard into one.

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One human presses one button and five toons respond.

good GOD man…BLIZZARD DEFINES what ‘BOT’ is and what they ALLOW and DONT allow…NOT you…NOT me…
THEY know what is going on and THEY have said its O…K…

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not actively support multiboxing tools. For questions about setting up or running multiboxing, you will need to refer to third-party sites such as WoW Wiki.

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Yes… which means it’s not a bot.

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no. How about you just go farm somewhere else and stop DEMANDING that your mats go for X price.

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actually Blizzard has an ingame option for making MBing possible by running multiple clients on the same launcher


and your point is?

there not helping raiding guilds at all you need to play the game to get gear if you don’t play your dps or healing will not alow you to progress nice try . you must not raid at all

Can someone translate this for me? I have no idea what was said.


Maybe I’m doing something wrong but, whenever I multibox. I have to switch between each toon and click the node on each. It’s not 1 click and they all herb.


and you really dont need much more than /follow to MB if youre just running a couple accounts.
Thats pretty much all I did.

Are you using the free software?

They are not five individually controlled toons. So they certainly are not equivalent to “the effort of five people.”

blork shnop kerg

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is boxer attacks go across not mouse moves/commands.

She said that multiboxers; who she claims farm materials in such mass and bulk and drag down the market, do no supply raiders since they do not supply gear to increase their dps or healing.


Ok 1st I didn’t expect that answer to be taken seriously it was ment to make people chuckle. 2nd not many people use auto-follow in open world, notice I did not say dungeons or raids, people actually do use it there. 3rd grow and adapt some humor into your daily diet!

I get it…you dont like MBing…TOUGH. The game maker said its not a violation…END of debate

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not actively support multiboxing tools. For questions about setting up or running multiboxing, you will need to refer to third-party sites such as WoW Wiki.