Ban multiboxing

  1. its 5 characters either way…end of debate.
  2. Ive been in a couple guilds that Im POSITIVE would have helped me like that. Maybe this is a ‘you’ problem?

Sorry, logic isn’t on your side. You’re just in denial and desperately flailing to come up with excuses.

sorry…but the RULES are on my side…and there aint much you can do about it, so…I win :rofl: :kissing: :kissing:


Sure thing. I’ll take the logic.

you can keep your ‘logic’ that is anything but.
I’ll take the fact that blizzard allows MBing and a few in here tossing fits about it aint going to change that.

It’s not that hard. Even I managed to find one like that.

Then why are you arguing against multiboxing?


you said to your main SOULBOUND stop wasting the treads time

You’re the one who said you can’t “funnel loot soul bound”. I corrected you. You need to stop wasting everybody’s time and do some actual research.

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this thread is about botting multiboxers that farm nodes at a pace of 60 mats per ten clones to a normal person at 6. Please stay on topic if you want to talk about raid start a new thread!

You’re the one who was talking about trading loot. Don’t blame me because I responded to you. You want me to stay on topic? Then you need to stay on topic too.

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gotta love that obvious duplicity from some in here. They derail and then scream at others not to derail :rofl:


No the subject hass always been the same to ban botting multiboxers from farming mats 2000 an hour to one stack for a single person . a single person should not be allowed to farm more mats than another at such a lopsided rate. this is obviously taking advantage of changed programing to stop ninja looting of nodes. nodes were changed 10 years into the game. Creating a need to change the rights or banning all together multiboxers. Now that multiboxers are ninjaing all the node has to offer. multiboxers need to be changed they have created an unfair environment causing regular players to look 3 times as long for mats because there depleating the node before they leave and it DE spawns instantly. and destroying the auction house by flooding it with mats that cant be absorbed by the community.

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git gud. Farm somewhere else.
Those are your choices.

Yea multi boxers running around is silly and makes the MMO look bad

Lemme scroll up a little bit:

If the subject has always been farming mats, then why are you talking about giving loot away to the leader?

And they were changed nearly four years ago. It’s amazing how Blizzard hasn’t noticed multiboxers in all that time.

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they make the game look corrupt.

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Only if you refuse to do any research. I could say Demon Hunters and their double jump make the game “look corrupt”, but that doesn’t mean anything.

I wish you could see how pathetic you are being for so viciously defending corporate-backed cheating in an MMORPG. You’re truly vile :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

So, what you’re saying, is that anyone who obeys the EULA is engaging in “corporate-backed cheating”?

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They probably make too much money from multiboxers(in their mind) to justify clamping down on it.