Ban multiboxing

Banning botters is fine and blizz does that. Not sure what that has to do with multiboxing though?

If weā€™re going to make that much of a leap we should get rid of the mail system too, and BoE gear. Honestlyā€¦

Except you canā€™t get rep five times faster just from multiboxing. How is a person doing a world quest on five characters getting rep any faster than someone with one character?

Multi-boxers are at times incredibly annoying. Iā€™m surprised there arenā€™t rules surrounding this at this point. Also, did I just read they use third party software to control all accounts at once? I always assumed players were actually playing all at once on follow or something so if thereā€™s another layer where the player is able to play all accounts in that way, how is it much different than botting? Itā€™s still using a workaround for more benefits. Not really justifiable.


They are worth more than youā€¦

We dont use 3rd party software its a cheap excuse people use who just want to complain about mb

If you want to say that it ā€œdevalues the efforts of one person playing as one personā€ then you should logically also be against any account-wide systems. Otherwise you might as well be throwing darts to figure out what to be mad about today.

there is no difference between the two whether you watch them do it or play one and bott 9 more

Botting = automation
Multiboxing =/= automation

Itā€™s really that simple.

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How many alts u gonna make to post this topic on?

How is my mb no dif to a botter? One is not even at the computer while I am doing all the actions?

All the anti mutiboxers are extremely intolerant. I have no friends. I play with my other 4 personalities. Am I to be prohibited from group content?

From what I can see its just people who dont understand how the wow economy works and fail at making gold so they need someone to blame

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oh the irony OP complains about multi boxer yet keeps toon hopping on alts to make it appear like theres many people calling for the boxers to get banned and Blizzard should listen to them and get rid of these ā€œcheatersā€

Multiboxer: Presses W and multiple characters will run. Presses D and they begin to turn to the right. Click on a node and they begin to harvest it.

Botter: Presses activate and thatā€™s it.

Huge difference.

really! I kill pvp botting multiboxers regularly so much they donā€™t trun them self on anymore. they couldnā€™t finish regular content together in a group. id love to see that Dungan video

Ive done it multiple times even farm old raids mb for access to more tmog to sell on the ah. Not sure what point you are trying to make here?

Glider botting software BANNED

ISBoxer multi boxing software NOT banned

the creators of Glider were issued a cease and desist letter they were banned they were sued and ordered to pay court costs

the creators of multi boxing software were ignored and why is that oh thatā€™s right because Blizzard has said repeatedly that multi boxing is NOT illegal

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Many mb dungs. I personally havenā€™t worked it out yet. It requires a lot of macros, skill and knowledge.

Iā€™mma just take a wild shot in the dark with this suggestion, but maybe try a group of all disc priests?

(I could be very wrong, but I imagine it being one of the more do-able compositions.)