Ban multiboxing

I wasn’t aware trade chat was blizzard’s store front. Good to know.

This a multiboxing is bad thread, facts don’t belong here silly.


Nope. Wrong again.

And followed up by another fallacy.

Wanna try for strike three?

Well, it really is relevant; Since they make the rules and provide the guidelines and limitations that ALL players must follow, including multiboxers.


Got it, you want blizzard ban something that isnt agains ToS. Not happening dude, basically you want a scape goat because you suck at making some gold.


well lets see who should we listen to in this regards? a multi-million $$ company with a room full of legal advisors or the one guy that doesn’t have any contract law experience whatsoever?

I wasn’t aware Blizzards rules are irrelevant simply because YOU disagree with them

call me crazy but im gonna go out on a limb and trust the people that actually wrote the TOS


Wanna try that again?

ITT: Multiboxers trying to defend their legal cheat by hiding behind semantics.

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But can that one keypress make your character chain a full combat rotation? Don’t think it will.

Yes hello blizz I would like 1 god mode and 3 no clips, please.

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How is it p2w? What am I winning and also what am I paying? Aside from my first account the other 14 all gotten with wow tokens haven’t spend a single $

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One keypress or mouse click making five characters pick herbs. This is blatantly against their one keypress statement.

No. One keypress means that if you press jump, your character will jump. It won’t jump AND start casting without any further input.

If you really want to get pedantic, I could build a silly contraption that would be just like a ye ol’ typewritter but use the mechanism to push multiple keyboards at once.

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You could really throw a spanner is his works and just point out macros that do what he is saying is against tos

You left out the ‘per client’ bit.

One keypress, one action per client.


Ever heard of macros? You know (or don’t), the mechanic IN WORLD OF WARCRAFT that allows you to take multiple actions at the click of ONE button? Sure it’s an in-game mechanic, but what about a mouse that can add macros to buttons through the mouse third-party software? Their systems seem to be fine with it, just like multi-boxing.

/run for i=1,120 do PickupAction(i)ClearCursor()end
This macro does 3 things. If you want to try it out for yourself, knock yourself out.

I should really just mute all these whine threads.

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nah just set out a :cheese: platter and invite friends over for a social gathering

What was that supposed to prove? That’s a blue’s personal opinion…on sequence macroes, not multiboxing.

The keypress statement still stands. One action per keypress, per instance of WoW. Multiboxing doesn’t break that rule (not to say some players do, but the software itself is not doing anything that is not expressly allowed by Blizzard).

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You mean blizzard stop responding to these because people like me know a few multi boxers and their reasons why they play the game? Or is it because people like me thinks they have the rights to spend their money on wow how they see fit? I’m sure people have other reasons for multiboxing but from my limited experience these reasons do actually fit.

Multi boxing isn’t cheating and you can do it if you want. But I think it is a waste of time and money. If you are upset at me because you think I want multi boxers banned. You are talking to the wrong person.