Ban M+ Key Loggers

Doesn’t really matter.

I think too many people are under the impression somebody leaving their key is gonna get actioned.

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Yeah it is relevant cause they are joining keys then logging out and the key breaks.

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You guys understand the more people you get banned the less players there are playing this 20-year-old game, right?

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Please ban people who complain about people who log out.

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Everybody who gets banned just buys the game again.

Just got out of a ct 10, the key owner’s dps was 758k /lower than the tank. I and the 2nd dps tried to carry the team, but the 3rd boss ate 3+ orbs. wiped, and that was the last drop (this 758k guy was body pulling things, dying, etc etc up until this point I must add)

I said gg, and left. No hard words, no criticism, and you know what they whispered me "reported’

so fff your noob crappy gameplay. either go play zombies vs plants, or do better. git gud.

“oh but I am a dad with 2 kids”, who cares, then find something else to play?

Right this whole thing about holding people hostage in mythic groups has so many loopholes, since you didn’t want to carry someone with low dps now you could be suspended for “griefing”

Yup exactly, good gamers are being held hostage by the newbies.
Then false advertisement should be bannable too. Where will be the end?

Ban people that leave the raid after 1 wipe

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So how do you punish bad behavior when people are stubborn and won’t learn from punishment? People are intentionally ruining keys. Ether by logging out or leaving.

They wait for you to insert key before force closing the game which disconnects their Character to circumvent the leaving punishment. They want to ruin keys without the punishment so they leave by closing the game with task manager and clicking end task.

Closing out your game is the same thing as leaving. It’s just another type of leaving cause the player is no longer their playing.

Praytell why did he log out?

How do you know it circumvents the leaving punishment?

I would approve this message. BAN Mythic +…get rid of the whole system. Blizzard will do this years to late but you are bleeding subs because people are tired of Mythic + being the bottleneck of the game. Devles shows the players that there are a lot more fun things out there but Blizzard is just deciding what we are suppose to have fun in instead of allowing us to choose our path.

This guy is an idiot. Don’t bite


Your Mythic + is going to be nerfed to nothing and you are going to watch it become that way slowly over the next year because Blizzard is losing subs…so instead of just doing what needs to be done now, you get to watch the doom and gloom post about Mythic + for the extended future. The system sucks and is broken.

I agree, let’s ban mythic + dungeons entirely.

I hate that I am being sarcastic with the above post but am not sure by how much.

Not a single thing you typed made sense or was accurate. Other than that, great opinon. Gold star :star2:

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He’s an idiot. Don’t bite

The Mythic+ timer is already in the pre stages of being removed by Blizzard. Mythic + will disappear over time with this first step.