Ban GDKPs in SoD Please, Actively Ban Bots & Gold Sellers/Buyers

The economy in Classic is everything, asking Blizzard to ensure things are going to be handled properly.

Banning GDKPs would be the first step towards reducing the RMT in classic.


I can’t imagine it’d be that hard, for example, to have Blizzard dedicate a small fund to bait gold sellers and once they’ve located the source of the gold via initiating a tiny purchase could then erase the account

Or perhaps Blizzard needs to lobby for some sort of laws that labels gold selling a form of vandalism and could perhaps better grant Blizzard power in shutting down seller sites outside of the US

As nice as that would be, it’s never going to happen. They can make it against the ToS but they can’t really enforce it.

They absolutely should, but they won’t. First, they’d have to hire some GMs to actually police the game. That’s not going to happen.

And sadly the Classic playerbase are a bunch of whales. They love being able to buy gold. They love buying gear with that gold.

You a funny funny man! This will never happen, Blizzard refuses to do anything about RMT and how it destroys the market. It is a very simple issue to resolve and they just choose not to do it because they need to line those pockets with every single penny

I’m just trying to be optimistic, I just wish players weren’t so open to the idea of buying gold and the like.

Unfortunately, that is just how modern gaming is. If there is a short cut and easy way to the top, players are going to use and abuse it. God forbid people earn their gear anymore, easier to swipe a credit card so you can flex your internet muscles against those who arent slimy sleeze balls cheating the system. Got to make sure people know how large their Epeen is

There’s nothing inherently wrong with gdkp’s but I agree that a side effect of it is it encourages gold buying. In a perfect world, bots would not exist and gold buying would not be an option, or they would be immediately banned.

The issue is, policing a part of the game that is not the direct issue impedes on player agency to play the game as they please within TOS. It is no different than players trading items for gold as we do on the AH. This is just doing so in a different setting/scale.

GDKP’s unfortunately are also a great way to keep a mature server populated. It allows for people who are geared to carry a raid and still get something out of it. It’s got pros and cons.

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If someone buys gold for their BFD GDKP, then honestly, let them.

Also obligatory posting in how gdkps and only gdkps ruined wows fake infinite growth economy, even before the version of the game we’re talking about is out. 1000 gold for a mount totally will not be the main reason why people buy gold, no no no, it’s for the 10 man gdkp lmao Jesus Christ you people can’t actually be serious hahahahaha


Make GDKP against ToS in all variations of gameplay, on all servers, in all eras, period.

GDKP brings in botting, boosting, and RMT. Your debit card should never be your character’s power.

Mage bots will have an easier time farming with heal spells

So here’s the thing. I don’t love GDKP as a concept but in a world without RMT and applied fairly, it actually seems pretty compelling.

The issue that plagues most PuG groups is people getting their item and bouncing. It’s not an issue for guild groups where everybody is working together, but PuGs have no alliegiance to one another. So having a gold pot to be divided up at the end is great incentive to make sure everybody sticks around until the end. Conceptually, this is great!

Unfortunately though, humans and greed kind of ruin it. Pretty soon people are using them as a means to farm gold. No longer is it about doing the dungeon and gearing up, it’s about exploiting your fellow player for your own gain. Organizers start to take a cut because hey, they deserve it, right? People who are already geared take a cut because they’re just there to help others, not for gear, so they deserve it too, right? People who are there for gear don’t deserve a cut, they’re bidding after all, so they should have to pay, right?

Pretty soon you’ve monteized the game and, even without RMT involved at all, things quickly deteriorate. Now instead of being a game about adventure and commraderie, it’s a game about finding more efficient ways to con other players out of their gold. If humans could just chill and play the game, keeping GDKP runs honest and equal, no problem, but that hasn’t proven to be the case. Weirdly, the people on the bottom end of these GDKP runs have found this to be way more acceptable than other exploitative processes such as item reservation (which is also fairly manipulative).

Now you add RMT back into the equation. Not only are players using GDKP to con their fellow player out of money, they’re also using it to build a need and urgency around gold purchase. “Oh, didn’t win the bid this time because you didn’t have enough gold? Here, head over to this website where you can buy more!” “Oh, all that gold generated from… shady… practices? Don’t worry, we’ve traded it around in a GDKP run so Blizzard won’t know!”

It just doesn’t end up in a good place. So maybe this is a case where humanity is why we can’t have nice things, but overall GDKP and RMT is bad for the game. I think Blizzard absolutely should crack down on RMT for SoD… crack down hard! But also, even without it, I think GDKP too quickly shifts from a noble intent where players just want to give incentive to stick around, to exploitative practice to con other players out of their gold.

I think GDKP maybe has to stop too… unless Blizzard can figure out a way to differentiate on intentions, but I don’t think that’s even possible :frowning:

I don’t think you understand the rune system if that’s your take lol

Mage solo farming doesn’t need heals.

GDKP would be fine if the gold was farmed legitimately.

The problem is the fly hacking bots auto picking every BL on the map, or armies flying into instances generating tens of thousands of gold per hour.

The gold buyers need a permanent vacation from WoW, the botters need to be banned within a day so they are not profitable to run.

Economics 101. Remove the supply, remove the demand.

Blizz just needs to give us the WoW token.

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