Ban GDKPs In All But A Couple Cata Servers

Citation needed.

Cope and projection based on nothing but ignorance solely to make your own narrative look good.

If you had a convincing argument, you wouldn’t need to lie.

Another disconnect from what a GDKP is, which is an auction based loot system. In order to auction the loot, the raid still needs to kill the boss.

Another poor attempt at trying to tie to the two together, which brings me back to this question you keep painfully trying to avoid. :point_down:

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Buddy. Blizzard added RMT as a feature in the game.

It’s never going away now. Accept it.

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Okay do I need to explain what GDKP’s are to you?

GDKP or Gold Dragon Kill Points, is a system where the players gold is used to purchase the items that drop in the raid instead of the usual roll off/loot council. After the raid and all items have been sold, the pot, which is the total gold spent in that raid from all players. Gets equally spread around the raid, usually the admin gets a cut for putting it all together.

You do realize that with you saying that 3/4th left, there’s still 1/4th… which would be the entire raiding population of SoD. Do you think that the entire raiding population of SoD participate in GDKP’s?

GDKP doesn’t skip content, you still need to kill the boss and the item itself still needs to drop.
GDKP doesn’t mean that they bought their gold from non-Blizzard sources, I could go to a GDKP and buy items and I’ve never purchased gold legal or otherwise.

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I pulled this quote from the universe where you were honest.

It may come to a suprise to you but I don’t GDKP, I don’t RMT and you’re very hostile to those that don’t share your view on GDKP’s.

How does it trivialize content, you still need to do the content to get the gear. If you’re saying that getting the gear in of itself is the content that’s trivialized, then what’s the difference between buying all of the BiS pieces in a GDKP or getting it funneled to you in a Loot Council like literally every tank ever?

I barely farm anything anymore, ever since TBC I’ve pretty much bought everything I’ve wanted from the AH because I’ve amassed enough gold to be self sustaining in my purchases, I have plently of gold and I don’t do GDKP’s not everyone who raid logs does GDKP and even then raid logging is fine, it’s not a bad thing.

Let me tell you what I’ve done since Classic…

  • During Vanilla Classic I bought so many Large Brilliant Shards and Firebloom that I had enough Brilliant Wizard Oil for the entirety of TBC and the rest of Vanilla Classic (I believe it’s a Zandalar recipe) so I wasn’t spending gold on that.

  • During TBC Classic I bought enough Flame Caps that I’d be set for the entirety of WotLK and even though they changed how it functioned I still didn’t lose anything because I sold some and made my gold back before the change was announced.

  • During both Vanilla, TBC and WotLK Classic I bought enough herbs that I wouldn’t need to farm any and it allowed me to raid log without needing to spend hours farming consume materials.

I’m prepared, I buy in bulk and because of that I don’t need to play as much when things get stale. What would keep me playing is when there’s something to actually do, I’ve done everything you can in WotLK (save for PvP). Now there’s nothing to do and people aren’t playing as much, makes perfect sense as it happened both in Vanilla Classic with Kel’Thuzad and in TBC Classic with Kil’Jaeden. It’s the last phase, Cataclysm has its beta out and people are (well most people are) waiting for Cataclysm pre-patch to drop.

I’ve already done the Gnomeregan event and I’m not going to spam it on all of my characters when the only thing you get from it is a toy and a cloak which all characters will get in Cataclysm with transmog, there’s too few things to do right now so why play when there’s other games.

WotLK didn’t die quickly, neither did Vanilla or TBC Classic.

EDIT 1&2: 2 words.

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what if too many players transfer off non gdkp servers :\ does that mean most players are insecure?

It’s funny that the only arguments people have against gdkp has to be riddled to the brim with cope and lies to discredit those who don’t share your exact same view.


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No harm in testing it out. They have PvE and PvP servers for a reason. Make servers that allow GDKP and those that don’t. If GDKPs are the best loot system ever this shouldn’t be an issue…unless of course it isn’t and the gaslighting from a couple RMT enjoyers is proven wrong.

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I like how you refuse to respond to me and all you can do is change what I’ve said to fit your own cynical view on the topic. That’s fine though, I’ve seen enough of people like you to know that you won’t really stick around that long.

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Lol there is level boost and wow token. So people can literally skip the content you mention. Heck I got boost wjne I pay for cata used it and bought a few wow token to get gear from AH. Now till then how’s is the different RMT for gold. Only difference is blizzard didn’t get their cut. But I have basically skip the content and get to a point in gear progression that took months. Want to ban GDKP then blizzard should also stop selling level boost and wow token to make a fair playing field.

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lol just because a thing exists doesn’t mean people can’t disagree with it lol

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That’s fine but of the want to get rid of RMT or GDKP run then getting rid off wow token sales and level boost make sense. People wouldn’t be able to just pay for a wow token and use gold to buy epic from AH or just said hold to get loot on GDKP runs then.

RMT will still be an issue with our without GDKP’s.

Yea, and crime still exists with laws and enforcement. Your point?

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My point is that even though GDKP’s aren’t in retail RMT is still rampant and likely has a bigger market than Classic. Banning GDKP’s won’t have the impact you think it will have, people who buy gold will still buy gold only this time they’ll actually inject it into the economy and not hold onto it, might actually make them buy more gold than they would normally but that’s just an assumption.

GDKP servers would be thriving with pug raids available long after content is ‘new’.

The non-GDKP servers would maybe have a few successful guilds but mostly players complaining that nobody wants to organize raids, people not consuming, and pugs would be much harder to find just a few months after content is released since carries have zero reason to return to it.

But I agree with the premise, if they are going to ban player activity they should do it on a server by server basis so players can choose to play on a server which their interactions aren’t being micromanaged.

Pug population fell off a cliff and people stopped raiding once BiS….

Yeah sounds about right, got everything the needed and with no incentive they stopped raiding until next phase.

Not a bad experiment if people actually knew what’s going on. Problem is, most people have no clue. They’re just here to goof around abit after dropping the kid off at taekwondo or whatever. I mean, there are still players rolling alliance on Faerlina FFS. Hey guys I just came back from 3 year hiatus what happened to my server? They generally don’t research anything on their own, and they rarely have the information they need to make a decision. They won’t have any idea what GDKP allowed vs banned means for their gaming experience; by the time they learn, it’s too late, gotta pay to fix it. Next thing you know, sorry the GDKP or non-GDKP server is at capacity, locked, why can’t I play with my friends, blah blah.

Again, they should ban Hard reserves before banning GDKPs, if anything. I can guarantee you HR is more detrimental to this game than GDKP is.