Stop doing delayed bans and letting bots run rampant in solo shuffle. I am getting 2 bots per lobby now. Had a resto druid + resto sham both on the popular “run to the side of ramp and stop” bot, followed immediately by a holy paladin and destruction warlock botting. Supatease has done videos on the botting problem. So has Venruki, Vanguards, Daily dose of solo shuffle Etc… Get on top of it or I am going to unsubscribe from WoW. I don’t pay a monthly sub to play against cheaters and bots. This is why I quit Counter-strike. VAC delayed bans just let cheaters keep griefing servers with cheats and just keep getting a new steam account and WoW has become exactly the same. Get some integrity and spend some resources to combat this problem. 136,000 delayed bans doesn’t prevent 136,000 people cheating and ruining 136,000 solo shuffle matches. DETECT AND INSTANTLY BAN THE SOFTWARE. And if another slips through the cracks, go download it, reverse engineer it, then DETECT AND BAN IT INSTANTLY.
Makes you wonder how bad the cheating under the hood is
if we are now seeing OBVIOUS bots and macros and auto hot key.
maybe cheating has always been a problem at the top end? just we weren’t smart enough to detect it maybe
Oh it 100 percent has. Auto dot bots in RBGS for afflocks has been an open secret for years.
I saw a spriest bot for the first time ever, it just ran around out of shadow form and never mounted, did hardly any damage. Felt bad, cuz kinda matched my play style.
And on solo rbg it will be even worse, on the one hand I’m waiting for the death of solo rbg.
They would do it all the time in wod, when everything you had was instant.
I remember I was in a SOTA and both teams had at least 3 botting shadow priests. I was healing on monk that match, it was actually hell on earth. You so much as got in LOS you had triple stacks of dots.
Is botting really as bad as people are saying or is that just the first thing people scream when they lose? I feel like I havent faced many at all and if I have I was unaware of it.
It’s not THAT bad. Just more so that it happens, and when it does it is VERY obvoius. The really obvious stuff to me is the dot classes in RBGs. There are a few people I know for a fact have botted for years that have not been perma’d.
I definitely think people are way over-inflating how prevalent bots currently are in WoW arena. However, with that being said, I still think we are witnessing an uptick in general bot activity.
if what you are able to obviously see is only 50% of the cheaters
thats what people are actually worried about
the trust is faded
Nobody actually believes blizzard is able to stop subtle cheats
Yeah this is correct.
I think people are ‘looking for it’ now and are seeing things that are not there. BUT, with that being said, the things that are there need to be seen. I know kick bots are as old as time, and people have cried wolf over them, with maybe 4/100 times it actually being the case.
If people still have trust in Blizzard at this point, I applaud them. However, it doesn’t change my opinion, I think the botting problem is grossly over-exaggerated and is proliferating by misinformation and bias.
Took like 2 minutes to find these. And I have queued into plenty of bots lately. This problem has exploded in Dragonflight.
Doesn’t take much to google the program they use either (can’t paste here obviously).
It’s pathetic and needs addressing, don’t try to down play it as uncommon. Ele shamans seem to be the most prolific botting class (very simple to program all instant casts).
Blizzard nerf the Enter key ?
Hate to break it to you but incase you havn’t noticed bliz seems to care more about the social contract than the booster/hackers/botters/ddosers/cheaters etc…
Get to 1900 bracket and you will see how really this dead this game is, everyone you fight has 2700 xp, most of them don’t fight like it either. Really sad
It’s also more money for Blizz in banning botters since they can just buy another WoW account and keep playing the game.
That pokemons guy is on his like 8th account from botting. Blizz raking in the $$ from that botter.
You’ll see a bot like once a week, they are out there. But people think everyone’s a bot now just cause they get outplayed sometimes.
I got accused of botting on Saturday cause an Ele kept trying to knock me off blades edge and I would fel rush instantly back. He whispered me after.
Thank you!
People out here thinking Skynet has infiltrated arena. Be realistic.
You’re okay for a DH.
I get accused of botting for dispelling havoc or insta tremor like everyone doesn’t have bigdebuffs or somn.
I’ve started jumping way more and have elegpt reserved for a name
youre playing with fire