They could use a captcha when bot-like behavior is detected. That’s the other solution I proposed above.
Not gonna happen. Adept to using them or be left behind. Why would you think addons that help players are the problem and not the bots that abuse them?
If they can’t detect 40 druids running circles in the same spot for months straight, then I have very little faith in them detecting AH botting.
Lol…extreme carl vibes.
I feel the same way, and I have hard proof of some people botting, but they’re still in game months later.
This is precisely why I’m proposing a captcha challenge. It throws a wrench into the botting, rather than needing to detect the bots.
I mean this is such a simple solution, if someone is gathering a lot of the same item periodically have them do a captcha. Only problem is things like 2Captcha (human solving service) exist.
Those solving services are not instant, and this would slow it down to human speed, which is part of the point.
They tout less than 12 seconds but that could also be a load of crap. Bliz could also just make their own captcha system also that involves something more than what a captcha service can do. Herb drops a quest item that has you do something a bot cant do. Captcha service wouldn’t be able to handle that either.
In reality and as a dev, they kinda just need to pay their devs more. From what I hear its pretty bleak. Can’t imagine anyone wanting to go above and beyond for pennies.
Yeah right now “AH Botting” just consists of kids using autoclickers clicking 3 or 4 static screen coordinates on a timer. Usually said coordinates are where the TSM UI buttons would be, as well as a final one for the AH NPC location to re-open said UI. A captcha would steamroll all over this.
Hard no.
Blizzards bargain basement capcha is so painful and awful already.
Ok, so instead of devoting resources for something that’d have be specially coded/design for, to even implement in the AH UI, we should just… live with AH being owned and run by botters?
I support the OP… Botting the AH is no different than botting anything else in game. It should be zero tolerance, and should end with a perma ban.
Not being able to post on an alt.
i think it would be good but it might be too late. you cant let ppl use commodities for ~2decades and then just take it away expecting everything to be gucci.
they needed to step in MUCH earlier if they wanted to.
seems like a rather vague definition.
Grid improves my performance while healing compared to the standard raid ui by simplifying the relevant icons to colored dots in corners rather than the full images in a row. In short, it shows less.
Should that be banned?