Balnazzar Alliance Reconnections

oh my gosh man i remember that and ya it was ryu thats crazy

YOOOOOOOOO i rememebr you man we used to do everything together man hit me up on battlenet Cagierpeach#1207 im playing H on incendius

Omg. I’m Iroas (human rogue back in the day). Still playing. Rolled horde on Old Blanchy server(classic). My chars name is Divi.

But ya, I was in:

Cry More/ Apotheosis
We Brought Snacks

My chars were Iroas and Saori (that I remember).

@Laners I definitely remember you.

1 Like

Iroas! I’m so glad you found this thread! Hope you’re doing well! <3 Laners <3

haha yeah woot. Playing on classic? Thinking of transferring off whitemain queues are bad af

Ajjohnson Human Rogue

Good times with my friends in the Raging Daisies.

Sent Request!

Elixer - Night Elf- Rogue
Guild : Our Guild
Too many memories on this server but figured I’d check this page out.

Dwarf Shadow Priest

ALLIANCE 1ST Sartharian 25 man 3D Kill (wotlk)
Carried Pedrem to his 1st 2200 3v3 rank

Sidenote -
Mentored by Eclipzed/Metalmario

Make sure you invest in a weapon chain or Stronghold Gauntlets this time around. :]

oradon the priest from the raging daisies

checking in. Seen a few names I recognize. Phlox hepatica paash kazerix nogard khmer the dbl glaives rogue as well as many more pretty sure leemesgee is familiar too. Was there from the start of BC to wotlk. I didn’t attend the levelling party for wrath but I remember it well. Anyone add me on battle net twitchin#1861 and chat.

Hey fellow Rãven! Spnl / Sloops here. A bunch of us are playing on Herod (guild Vulgar). Myself, Grimgnaw, Lipton, Ghanja, Camiden, Jambe and a couple others. Send me a message if you want an invite!

Tinkywinky from Painbow Brite. Ended up going back to my warrior a month or so after hitting 60, though. I remember We Brought Snacks.

Mehike - Rank 13 night elf warrior - Guild - Parks Tai quan dao

Hello everyone.

Old school character:Field Marshal Beauti (Holy Paladin)

I was on this server when it first opened up. It was a very fun server and I made a lot of real life friends that I know until today. Thanks for all the memories. I miss how the forums used to actually be when people would talk trash. That was enjoyable to read plus the drama. Good to see old names from back in the day.



Icecream! Long time man!

Hit me up on discord. Camiden#1604

My goodness. Stumbling upon this thread and seeing all of the people who used to be in Raging Daisies. A lot of the names were blasts from the past. I’m assuming no one would remember me from back in BC but they might remember my friend Eliana. She was the only reason I was brought to raids lol