Baller Monk Healer LF raid team for Shadowlands!

Hello one and all I am a very weathered and experienced monk healer, and I am in need of a new home and raiding team for Shadowlands! I am a very dependable and skilled player as I am a wow vet. I am looking for a more later night raiding guild as I am central time and get home from work most nights around 11pm. I am very excited for the xpac and want to get rooted in a solid team and home, I have been playing wow from the very start, I do it all from mythic dungeons to mythic raiding and everything in between I have had my AOTC for killing Nazoth far ahead most dating back in Feb. It should be noted I am only a healer I am not fond of monk dps, the raid days dont mater so much as the times would be the issue I will attach my Armory and Bnet so we can chat more directly however Armory is a tad busted with the pre patch being out, I look forward to talking to you all! :slight_smile:

Bnet - Scarecrow#1600

Armory -ýpso

Hey Calypso, added you on btag. Not sure how late you’re willing to raid as the group is mainly on west coast times. If so I’m looking forward to hearing back from you. [H] Hyjal <Sigh> Late night 10/10N 9/10H LFM

I think our times might work for you.