Bald man protests against bots

i’ve seen variations that just stand in place and kill mobs/loot without skinning or mining anything.

Theres also that they usually come from the same race and sometimes similar names

I don’t care to research on this guy. He’s very annoying and uses vulgar language. I feel like I need to take a shower after seeing/watching him. I try to steer clear of any content related to him but it always seems to make its way on these forums. Wish Blizzard would do something about that.

I didnt responded to you, and all you been doing is spreading hate to Asmon and defending bots (yes, you have).

Cause anyone that sees the video and still says those arent bots are lying to themselves or are bots themselves.

Please quote where I defended bots.

The mere fact that you refuse to admit the druids in the video are bots is evidence enough.

So in other-words you have nothing? I’m not going to watch the video because I can’t stand him but ultimately, it’s up to Blizzard to decide if they are bots or not.

They definitely are, and if they dont get banned then Blizzard is nothing but incompetent

it’s extremely clear they are bots.
just because you don’t want to look at the evidence doesn’t mean they’re fine lol.

That’s fine and it’s not hard to tell if they are bots or not. But in reality, the only person who can look into this and have a definite answer is Blizzard.

lol… give credit where credit is due, it was posted here days before his “oh so original content” came along.

…and if what’s going on here is one of “the worst examples of botting you’ve ever seen”, your mind would be blown if you went out into the world.

i see worse in suramar, botanica, isle of thunder… just to name a few.

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If… you buy the materials and craft… that’s how the auction house works. When something is profitable to craft it doesn’t stay profitable for long because people buy out the low priced materials and quick craft.

That’s called easy money, and isn’t how you’re supposed to make money.

If you source the materials yourself, and craft the thing… yourself… it is 100% profit…

Do not listen to this fool, he doesn’t know basic economics, or have any experience with the auction house and/or new expansions’ economies.

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And another person that apparently doesn’t know the situation.

He never claimed it as original content. He didn’t claim to be the one that found it. Someone in his chat shared that exact video with him. It’s how he found out about the location and the botters it was attracting. He went to see it for himself and that’s what kicked off the whole thing.

no, you did that.

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That is dumbest attempt at an “AHA!” I have ever seen.

The fact that he was pointed in the direction of the botters does not mean he didn’t come across them. Holy crap what a dumb argument.

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to “come across something” literally means to find it by chance.
if he was pointed in the direction of them, he didn’t “come across them”, he was directed to them.

my argument isn’t dumb, because it’s not an argument.
it’s a factual observation, which you have already acknowledged :roll_eyes:

stop being so defensive.
he’s not going to care if you make yourself look silly trying to defend his honor.

(and meanwhile, i’m still trying to get past the part where you said it’s one of the worse examples of botting you’ve ever seen)

It is if you only take into account the value of materials and leave out the time you invested in gathering those mats. Don’t underestimate the value of time, unless you consider that your time is worthless (which is not).

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I’m mad because he,s mad bla bla bla

You are part of the problem.

lol, he happened to come across it because someone happened to tell him about it. That’s a silly statement you made, he did happen to come across it, don’t be a silly billy.

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