Balancing the Vote-Kick Penalty: A Call for Change

Forcing the whole group to leave is a punishment if a kick is. I’m sorry if that concept runs contrary to your trolling.

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Naw that won’t be abused to hell and back.

but not as much as

will be

Yeah nobody expects you to be cognizent of why people are kicked.

It already was.

Im for

  • removing the timeout entirely. If a tank wants to leave, I dont want him stinkig up the run with his attitude.
  • 3 votes per daily reset per Bnet account
  • Tracking vote kicks per bnet and if abusive kick number are detected, 30 day suspension, doubling each offense.

Have fun getting back in queue when tank&heal drop every diremaul

go get your attention fix elsewere son…

I’ve been playing this game since mid Vanilla, and I have never once been kicked from a group.

It is my firm opinion that 95%+ of the time, if you get kicked, its because you are playing like a dingus, or are actually disrupting the flow of the dungeon, and you likely deserved it.

I predominantly play Twink characters, something that a not insignificant percentage of players find to be a toxic playstyle…and yet I still NEVER get kicked…werid

Gee maybe its because I dont play like a selfish felweed, I keep my mouth shut other than a simple “Howdy folks!”, I off-heal where appropriate, I protect the healer and the DPS that accidentally pull extra packs, I stay with the group.

I’m sorry, but I honestly have zero sympathy for people who complain about repeatedly getting kicked, because IMHO if this has happened to you more than once in the last month, its your own dang fault.

Of note, I always vote “No” on kick attempts because I know that if it came down to it, I can easily just solo the entire dungeon.

I enjoy TW/LFD dungeons, even if I need literaly nothing from there, my only goal is to enjoy myself, and do my best to make sure the rest of the group does as well.

It’s fine the way it is, your behavior and attitude are what needs to change, and until it does, you will likely continue to get kicked, and deserve it.

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Yeah cause nobody needs 9000 kicks a day to progress in a video game. If people need that many kicks to get gear in a video game then a reevaluation needs to take place.

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I think you should then agree that if someone has a problem with repeatedly getting kicked, a reevaluation needs to take place then too, right?

given we have circus clowns willing to abuse the system and other players…obviously ANY system WILL be abused.
The idea is to LIMIT the ability to abuse others with it.

  • 3 votes per day per bnet account. IF they NEED more than that then they are liars when they say they rarely or never see kicks.

  • Tracking vote kicks per bnet and if abusive kick number are detected, 30 day suspension, doubling each offense.

  • Any NO vote vetos the entire thing…but Id only do this in 5 man PUGS…not anything thats organized.

  • removing the timeout entirely. If a tank wants to leave, I dont want him stinkig up the run with his attitude.

No, they are never in the wrong it’s always everyone else.

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The only clown is you, and you know the system isn’t abusable.

watch names in here. lmao.

You will see them saying “muh never sees kicks” and then somewhere else whining about restricting kicks per day lmao.

theyre LYING and only in here for the attention.

If people feel the need to kick 9000 times it’s always the victims fault? Correct?

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They’re already restricted and I’ve never seen anyone whining about it

No one is allowed to kick 9,000 times per day, why are you avoiding the simple question?

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Ive never seen Obama…so by your joke logic the man doesnt exist.

Believe it or not YOUR limited experience ISNT reflective of the masses.

They don’t have an answer where they don’t obviously lie or contradict their position.

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If one person tries to kick others 9000 times, they are the problem.

If you get kicked 9000 times then you are the problem.