Balance posts 4th place in Gnomer post nerfs

This is an interesting development. It seems that all the crying about the spec being dead/gutted are just…wrong.


Stop lying, it’s so easy to check warcraftlogs past 24 hours and see they’re 8th. Why are you trolling everywhere with easily verifiable lies???

The data is right there for you to look at. I’ve posted it in multiple threads. Sorry that your crybaby crusade isn’t working out.

Balance druid is just fine, even post nerf.

8th out of how many? Oh, middle of the pack?

You’re not even a good troll…

The logs past 24 hours (post-nerf): vanilla.warcraftlogs zone/statistics/2008#sample=1

8th behind:
Hunter Melee
Priest DPS
Warlock DPS
Mage Fire
Mage Arcane
Shaman Elemental
Rogue DPS
Druid Balance

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5th to 8th and continuing to fall.

They don’t scale so once other classes get gear it’ll just keep getting worse. Looking at trends they’ll end up 3rd worst ahead of enh sham and frost mage.

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8th out of how many? Oh, middle of the pack? Lol

Oh look, college dropout with literally no links and no evidence claiming Boom is #4 spot while not properly filtering for post-adjustment parses. My god LOL. Thanks for the morning laugh.

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You’re not even a good troll…

Oh look, a butthurt Balance main who wants to move goal posts and claim data isn’t data.

Continue to cry about being middle of the pack. Your tears taste great

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In other words, balance and feral are now tied for the same damage done.

oh look i made a post with real data post-nerf, get bent

if you look at the top balance parses

you can see that number 2, number 6, number 8 and number 11 were all done either on the 14th or 13th of feb, which means post-nerf, so the exact same day as they were “gutted”, people were exactly competitive with the number 1 druid parses in the world

what now boomkins?

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I am enjoying your seething. It’s so amusing to see people so reliant on a singular iwin button be so butthurt about having what everyone knew was going to be nerfed get nerfed.

Try Shadow priest. I hear they’re FotM too.

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They’re beating warriors still lolol

4th to 8th is tied for 4th. Not even worth mentioning that they are 8th when the damage is the same for all 4 of them.

Guys, this person thinks you log parses to wowhead. They have literally no idea what theyre saying, and dont understand that data comes from the place that says theyre wrong.

The WOWhead article they posted linked to Warcraft Logs. What are you talking about? The issue was that data included both pre and post nerf numbers.

Here’s the stats for the past day…
Damage Statistics - Gnomeregan | Warcraft Logs Season of Discovery
Where Balance is 8th. Solidly Mid.

You’re including pre-nerf parses in your selection then. It’s not a tie, 4th place is almost 50 DPS above Boomie right now which is 21% higher than boomie DPS…

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