Balance pass incoming

if you arent lucky in single target then youll find yourself with 4+ seconds of downtime on enrage and mostly thats dependant on either enrage procing from bt or getting lucky rb procs

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It literally had a small impact on fury’s apm. It was not a large change in overall pacing of play.

I’m fully aware of this. That is not rage generation issues, that is having downtime on enrage. Which the entire spec is designed around trying to maximize enrage uptime. If you have it all the time, it’s kind of a boring, passive, pointless mechanic.

Going from over satisfying in 8.3 to being rage starved wasnt the best transition ever.

I feel like if sweeping strikes hit 2 extra targets instead of 1 like in legion (would make dreadnought more stronk, easier time spreading deepwounds or rend if you ever take it. Or colossus smash if you dont take warbreaker. More juicy condem hits. Idk just my thoughts) and make cleave worked how it did in legion, things would be better.

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and being unlucky have having 50% downtime on enrage is a joke i dont see how thats not boring theres a point to where rng making or breaking your spec doesnt feel very good

the 10% haste has a huge impact on our ability cd outside of enrage at 20% haste my raging blow has 6.7s cd with the 15% haste we get from enrage currently my raging blow goes down to 5.7s cd cant tell me thats not a big deal

That’s not unlucky.

That’s being bloody terrible at the spec. That’s awful play.

There is no fight right now where you should drop below 60% enrage uptime, even with bad rng. And that’s more fight design than rng.

It’s not a big deal.

Fury’s apm dropped by less than ten. Even for the sake of argument, let’s round up and call it ten. Out of the 75-80 that fury was, that really isn’t nearly as significant as you’re making it out to be.

Based on what you’ve been saying, this comes off far more of a learn to play issue.

i parse 90+ on every boss ive killed so far dont think its that

You haven’t, though.

Additionally, normal parses are a bad joke, and it’s honestly more telling that you’ve use them as evidence to the otherwise.

alright normal is a bad joke back in uldir parsed 80s in mythic and 94+ on the first 3 bosses whats the link to your logs

Oh, don’t make this about me. You are saying there’s issues with fury’s play, not me.

I simply stated that your problems are likely based in your suboptimal play, and I seem to be proven quite correct in that regard.

Let’s take a random log, say artificer. Your opener is atrocious, you repeatedly use RB at 1 stack instead of BT, despite it being available, you repeatedly use ww when BT is available, you repeatedly fail to use your CDs when they become available.

Really not much special to say, you repeatedly simply ignore the priority system for fury, which leads to sub-optimal rage generation, which leads to fewer rampages, which leads to lower enrage uptime. It’s a feedback loop, but that goes both ways.

And that’s without mentioning the full rampage’s worth of rage you wasted.

yea nah lets have you link some of yours and ill go into detail about where you messed up too, that pull the boss got moved around in a weird position and the dh leaped out so i had to waste more rage in my opener than needed

But I’m not having issues with fury’s playstyle. I am not complaining that it has issues with rage generation or enrage uptime.

This isn’t a conversation about damage, it’s about how it plays. You are the one raising issues, and it’s clear that your issues are, at least in part, if not in whole, are derived from your play.

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yeah its not going to get the 25% increase in damage it needs

you not complaining about furys playstyle means almost nothing coming from a nobody that has no ties to logs or anything so why would you not complaining matter

If something is accurate, it does not matter what source it comes from.

Affecting your view of reality like this is incredibly shortsighted.

That would be wildly overpowered. I would easily hit 10-12k dps on a pack just with sweeping strikes and warbreaker? Every 45 seconds? That would be ludicrous hahah.

ofc they would have to adjust numbers accordingly to prevent it from being op. Like in legion it was 50% instead of 75% for example

I’d be happy just to see Sweeping Strikes of the global cool down

Baby steps.

Raider(dot)io shows a nice spread for healers on the leader boards. In the top 10, 3 priests, 3 shaman, 3 druids, 1 paladin.

So they nerf Shamans.

Meanwhile in tanking, 8 of the top 10 are Demon Hunters.

In PvP so far, it feels like Vengeance DH are somehow actually viable as a tank class.

Zero nerfs.

Way to be consistent Blizzard.

Does anybody actually know how they come up with their internal data for making tuning decisions?

It’s clearly not what the community is using.